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Switch case with strings?

조회 수: 220 (최근 30일)
Shannon 2013년 10월 31일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2020년 9월 8일
I'm trying to create a loop which takes the name of a regular polygon from the user. It should be case insensitive and the program should have cases for a pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, and nonagon all with fixed side length 10 (I have precalculated the areas, I just want the program to output the numbers I give it). If a typo is made or the user inputs an unrecognized shape name, the program should output an error message and run the loop again. The user is supposed to have 3 chances to type a shape name correctly before the program terminates, and if they always type one correctly, the loop should run infinitely.
This is all I have so far, and it's not working:
if true
t=input('Enter shape name: ');
switch ShapeName
case char('pentagon')
fprintf('The area of the pentagon is 172.05 m^2.')
case char('hexagon')
fprintf('The area of the hexagon is 259.81 m^2.')
case char('heptagon')
fprintf('The area of the heptagon is 363.39 m^2.')
case char('octagon')
fprintf('The area of the octagon is 482.84 m^2.')
case char('nonagon')
fprintf('The area of the nonagon is 618.18 m^2.')
disp('Error, no such shape is found! Try again!')
Please help! I'm totally lost.

답변 (1개)

sixwwwwww 2013년 10월 31일
Dear Shannon, maybe you can do as follows:
count = 0;
while count < 3
ShapeName = input('Enter shape name: ', 's');
switch ShapeName
case 'pentagon'
fprintf('The area of the pentagon is 172.05 m^2.\n')
count = 0;
case 'hexagon'
fprintf('The area of the hexagon is 259.81 m^2.\n')
count = 0;
case 'heptagon'
fprintf('The area of the heptagon is 363.39 m^2.\n')
count = 0;
case 'octagon'
fprintf('The area of the octagon is 482.84 m^2.\n')
count = 0;
case 'nonagon'
fprintf('The area of the nonagon is 618.18 m^2.\n')
count = 0;
fprintf('Error, no such shape is found! Try again!\n')
count = count + 1;
I hope it helps. Good luck!
  댓글 수: 5
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020년 9월 8일
If you want the switch / case not to take case into account, switch on lower(ShapeName).
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 9월 8일
Mitch, the cases that you use in switch need to be a compatible datatype with the switch expression. You are switching on a character vector, but your cases are all logical. You would need
count = 0;
ErrorMsg = {'Error, no such shape is found! Try again!', 'Error, no such shape is found! Program terminated.'};
while count < 2
ShapeName = input('Enter shape name: ', 's');
switch true
case (strcmpi(ShapeName,'pentagon')==1)
fprintf('The area of the pentagon is 172.05 m^2.\n')
case (strcmpi(ShapeName,'hexagon')==1)
fprintf('The area of the hexagon is 259.81 m^2.\n')
case (strcmpi(ShapeName,'heptatagon')==1)
fprintf('The area of the heptagon is 363.39 m^2.\n')
case (strcmpi(ShapeName,'octatagon')==1)
fprintf('The area of the octagon is 482.84 m^2.\n')
case (strcmpi(ShapeName,'nontagon')==1)
fprintf('The area of the nonagon is 618.18 m^2.\n')
fprintf('%s\n', ErrorMsg{count + 1});
count = count + 1;
which is ugly but legal.
Steven's recommendation to switch on lower(ShapeName) is much better coding.

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