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Write Image to ThingSpeak from Raspberry Pi with Python

This example shows how to write an image to a ThingSpeak® image channel from a Raspberry Pi™ board using Python.

This example uses a Raspberry Pi to capture an image from a camera and write a file locally. Then the image file is sent to ThingSpeak each time a new image is taken. You can use this example for a Raspberry Pi connected to a web cam or a Pi Camera, depending on the lines selected in the provided code.

For a Pi camera, you can use the raspistill command. To use this code with a webcam, use fswebcam, which you can get using

sudo apt-get install fswebcam

Your Pi must have internet access to run this example.



1) Create a new ThingSpeak image channel as described in Create an Image Channel.

2) Create a new ThingSpeak data channel as described in Collect Data in a New Channel.

3) Add an Image Display widget to the view of your data channel, as described in Image Display.


1) Include the following libraries in your Python code.


from time import sleep
import os
import requests
import sys

2) Define the variables to specify your Thingspeak channels, credentials, and image file location.

# Update this section with your ThingSpeak Image Channel ID and Image Channel API Key
localFileName = '/home/pi/snapshot.jpg'
thingSpeakURL = '' + thingspeakImageChannelID + '/images'

3) Save a snapshot from your Raspberry Pi camera board.

def getSnapshotBytes():
   # Use FSWEBCAM to save a screenshot from a webcam. This requires the FSWEBCAM package.
   # Use raspistill to save a screenshot from a Pi Cam.
   # Alternatively, you can use OpenCV to directly get the bytestream from the camera.
   imageByteStream = None
   returnCode = os.system('fswebcam -r 1024x768 -S 1 -q ' + localFileName) # Use this line for webcam.
   # returnCode = os.system(‘raspistill -o ‘ + localFileName) # Use this line for a pi cam.
   if returnCode == 0:
      fh = open(localFileName, 'rb')
      imageByteStream =
   return imageByteStream

4) Run a loop to capture a snapshot and write it to your ThingSpeak image channel.

def main():
   # Loop infinitely
   while True:
      # Get image bytes
      imData = getSnapshotBytes()
      # POST image to ThingSpeak if there is a valid image
      if imData is not None:
         x = = thingSpeakURL, data = imData,
             headers = {'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg',
             'thingspeak-image-channel-api-key': thingSpeakImageChannelAPIKey,
             'Content-Length' : str(sys.getsizeof(imData))})
         # Sleep so we do not get locked out of ThingSpeak for posting too fast

if __name__=="__main__":

Write the Image

Run the code while monitoring the Image Display widget in your page view.


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