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IO Data Source

Play back recorded data

  • IO Data Source block

SoC Blockset / I/O Data Source and Sink


The IO Data Source block enables you to import recorded hardware IO data and play it back in your Simulink® model. The block converts the input data into a message signal that you can give as input to the TCP Read, UDP Read, Stream Read, or Register Read blocks, depending on the device type you choose. The playback of hardware IO data in your Simulink model helps you develop models with better accuracy than models developed by using randomly generated data during simulation.

When you develop models that use real hardware IO data during deployment, you can choose to use randomly generated synthetic data as hardware IO data in simulation. As physical hardware data accounts for various effects like data loss, time delay, and so on. If you use synthetic data as hardware IO data in simulation for such models, it leads to unexpected results when you deploy it in the hardware board. To evaluate and verify such models, using real hardware IO data during simulation is recommended. For more information on how to record hardware IO data and save it to your host computer, see the DataRecorder object.


If you have a IO Data Source block with Input set to From file, associated with a Timer-driven Task Manager block in your model and you plan to use a fixed-step solver, then enter a step size value less than the value set for the Period parameter in the Task Manager block. For example, suppose the value of Period specified in the Task Manager block is 0.1, then choose a fixed-step size less than 0.1.



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Input data, specified as a numeric vector. The block converts this data into a bus signal of the specific device type specified by the Device type parameter. Match the data type of this input data with the data type you select in the Data type parameter. The output bus signal consists of data values, length of data, and valid status of data.


To enable this port, set the Input parameter to From input port.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point

Length of input data, specified as a nonnegative scalar.


To enable this port, set the Input source parameter to From input port.

Data Types: uint32

When valid is 1, the block captures the input data from the data and length ports. When valid is 0, the block considers the input data as invalid and does not capture it.


To enable this port, set the Input source parameter to From input port.

Data Types: Boolean

This message port receives a notification from the connected Memory Channel or IO Data Sink block that a read transaction completed, and that a buffer in memory is available for writing.


To enable this port, set the Device type parameter to Stream.

Data Types: Boolean


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This port sends a task event signal that triggers the Task Manager block to execute the associated event-driven task.


To enable this port, set the Show port parameter to Event or Data and event.

Data Types: rteEvent

This port sends the data vector as a message to the msg input port of processor I/O blocks, which includes Register Read, Stream Read, UDP Read, and TCP Read blocks.


To enable this port, set the Show port parameter to Data or Data and Event.

Data Types: SoCData


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Set the input data source for the block by selecting one of these values.

  • From file — Read data from a recorded data file at the same time interval at which it was recorded on the hardware board.

  • From dialog — Input a one-dimensional array of data by using a function. Specify this function for the Value parameter.

  • From input port — Input data and signals using input ports on the block.

  • From timeseries object — Input data and time values using a timeseries object that you created in MATLAB®. For more information see Time Series Objects and Collections.

Specify a MATLAB function that creates a row vector of numeric data. This row vector is captured as the input data for the block.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From dialog.

Select the data type of the input data to be received by the data port.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From file.

Select a device type to enable the corresponding output data port.

  • UDP — Enables the msg output port to output UDP data as a message.

  • TCP — Enables the msg output port to output TCP data as a message.

  • Register — Enables the msg output port to output Register data as a message.

  • Stream — Enables the msg output port to output Stream data as a message.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From input port or From dialog.

Specify a discrete time interval, in seconds, at which the block outputs data.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From dialog.

Specify the size of the input data. The block reads this number of samples per frame during reading and playback in simulation.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From file.

Specify the full path to a recorded data file on the host PC or browse and select a file on the host PC. This block supports only TGZ files created by using the SoC Blockset™ data recording API.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From file.

Specify the dataset source name you want to use as the input source available within the recorded data specified in the Dataset name parameter. You can either type the name in the Source name box or click Select to select the name from the list of sources available in the recorded data file.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From file.

Specify the number of data elements to store in the input data queue.


To enable this parameter, set the Device type parameter to Stream.

Select one of these values to enable the corresponding output ports.

  • Data — Enable only the msg output port.

  • Event — Enable only the event output port.

  • Data and event — Enable the msg and event output ports.

Specify a timeseries object. This timeseries object provides the input data for the block. For more information about time series objects, see Time Series Objects and Collections.


To enable this parameter, set the Input parameter to From timeseries object.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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