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Review Analysis Results

Log and review analysis results, generate report, inspect test cases

You use Simulink® Design Verifier™ to log and review analysis results and generate analysis reports. You can generate test inputs and export them to new test cases in Simulink Test™.


sldvloadresultsLoad Simulink Design Verifier analysis results for model
sldvhighlightHighlight model using data from Simulink Design Verifier analysis
sldvreportGenerate Simulink Design Verifier report
sldvsimdataGet simulation data in Dataset format
sldvruntestoptsGenerate simulation or execution options for sldvruntest or sldvruncgvtest
sldvruntestSimulate model by using input data
sldvharnessoptsDefault options for sldvmakeharness
sldvmakeharnessGenerate harness model
sldvmergeharnessMerge test cases and initializations into one harness model
sldvruncgvtestInvoke Code Generation Verification (CGV) API and execute model


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