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Analog Output

Write to one or multiple analog output channels

  • Analog Output block

Simulink Desktop Real-Time


The Analog Output block connects to and writes to specific analog output channels from your Simulink® model. After you add an Analog Output block to your model, you can enter the parameters for its I/O driver.




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Source data provided as input to D/A conversion. The data type and range of the input value depend upon the capabilities of the board.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32 | uint32


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In Connected IO mode, returns the number of timer ticks that your model lags behind the real-time kernel. When the model lags by more than Maximum missed ticks, the software reports an error and simulation stops.


When you select Show “Missed Ticks” port, this port is visible.

Data Types: double


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When you click Install new board, the software displays a list of manufacturers of supported boards. When you select a manufacturer, the software displays a list of boards available from that manufacturer. When you select a board, the software adds the board to the list of registered boards and makes that board the current board.

By default, the initial selection in the list of registered boards is < no board selected >.

For more information about driver support for I/O boards, see Hardware Support from Simulink Desktop Real-Time.


When you select a board in the list of registered boards, the Delete current board and Board setup buttons are available.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: DrvName

To delete the current board, click this button. The initial selection of the list of registered boards changes to < no board selected >.


To activate this parameter, select a board in the list of registered boards.

When you delete the current board, the Delete current board and Board setup buttons are no longer available.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: DrvName

To set up the board, click this button.

A board-specific dialog box opens to set up the board. For more information, see the board manufacturer documentation.


To activate this parameter, select a board in the list of registered boards.

To deactivate this parameter, click Delete current board.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: DrvAddress
Block Parameter: DrvOptions

Enter a value, in seconds, that represents how frequently you want the block to execute and interact with the I/O hardware. The block synchronizes your model with the real-time clock at this sample rate.

If you are using a fixed-step solver, enter the value that you entered as the Fixed step size configuration parameter or an integer multiple of that value.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SampleTime

In Connected IO mode, enter the number of timer ticks that your model can lag behind the real-time kernel. When the model lags behind by this number or fewer timer ticks, the software assumes that the lag is temporary. It allows the model to catch up, even if the model misses some ticks. When the model lags by more than this number, the software reports an error and simulation stops.

In Run in Kernel mode, the software ignores this value.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: MaxMissedTicks

In Connected IO mode, select this check box to send the number of missed ticks to output port Missed Ticks.

In Run in Kernel mode, the Missed Ticks port is zero.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: ShowMissedTicks

In Connected IO mode, select this check box to grant other programs more CPU time while the kernel waits for a response from the hardware.

In Run in Kernel mode, the software ignores this value.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: YieldWhenWaiting

Enter a channel vector that selects the analog output channels that you are using on this board. The vector can be any valid MATLAB® vector form. For example, to select the first two analog output channels, enter:




Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: Channels

From the list, select the output range for the analog output channels that you entered for the Output channels parameter. For example, if the board has an output range of ±5 V, select -5 to 5 V.

If you want the output range to be different for different analog channels, add an I/O block for each different output range.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: VoltRange

From the list, select from the following options:

  • Volts — Expects a value equal to the analog output voltage.

  • Normalized bipolar — Expects a value between -1 and +1 that is converted to the full range of the output voltage regardless of the output voltage range.

  • Normalized unipolar — Expects a value between 0 and +1 that is converted to the full range of the output voltage regardless of the output voltage range. For example, analog output ranges of 0 volts to +5 volts and of −5 volts to +5 volts are converted from values between 0 and +1.

  • Raw — Expects a value from 0 through 2n -1. For example, a 12-bit A/D converter expects a value between 0 and 212 -1 (0 to 4095). The advantage of this method is that the expected value is an integer with no round-off errors.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: RangeMode

Enter the initial value for each analog output channel that you entered for the Output channels parameter. For example, if you entered [1,2], and you want initial values of 0 Volts, enter [0,0].

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InitialValue

Enter a final value for each analog channel that you entered for the Output channels parameter. For example, if you entered [1,2], and you want final values of 0 Volts, enter [0,0].

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: FinalValue

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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