Generate FMU from C/C++ Code Using S-Function Builder
This topic shows how to generate an Functional Mockup Unit (FMU) that is compatible with FMI 3.0 standards from your C/C++ code using the S-Function Builder. Use S-Function Builder to integrate your existing C/C++ code into Simulink®. You can then generate an FMU from the S-Function Builder block.
This workflow requires the FMU Builder for Simulink support package.
Open Model That Integrates C/C++ Code to Export as FMU
In this model, we integrate a C++ class that defines a first-order low pass filter into Simulink using an S-Function Builder.
The filter is defined by the following equation,
is the cutoff frequency
The filter can be represented in time domain using Tustin Bilinear transform as,
and are the filter outputs at the current and previous time steps
and are the filter inputs at the current and previous time steps
is the sample time
Integrate C/C++ Code and Build S-Function
Define the first-order lowpass filter using C++ code.
class FirstOrderLowPassFilter { private: double cutoffFrequency; double sampleTime; double previousOutput; double previousInput; public: FirstOrderLowPassFilter(double cutoffFrequency, double sampleTime); double computeFilterOutput(double input); };
#include "FirstOrderLowPassFilter.hpp" FirstOrderLowPassFilter::FirstOrderLowPassFilter(double cutoffFreq, double SampleTime) { cutoffFrequency = cutoffFreq; sampleTime = SampleTime; previousInput = 0.0; previousOutput = 0.0; } double FirstOrderLowPassFilter::computeFilterOutput(double input) { double alpha = (3.14*cutoffFrequency*sampleTime); double output = ((1-alpha)/(1+alpha))*previousOutput + ((alpha)/(1+alpha))*(input + previousInput); previousOutput = output; previousInput = input; return output; }
The S-Function Builder code uses one PWork is used to store a pointer to the instantiated filter object. The S-Function Builder is configured to have one input and one output port. The input port receives the noisy signal. The output port is configured with a bus data type. The bus output signal gives the filtered and unfiltered signal. The sample time and cutoff frequency are set as parameters with units for the S-Function Builder.
Click Build to generate the S-function.
Generate FMU from S-Function Builder
Use the Simulink.SFunctionBuilder.generateFMU
function to generate FMU for the
S-Function Builder block. For example, the following command generates a co-simulation FMU
compatible with FMI 3.0 standards and adds a description for
blockHandle = getSimulinkBlockHandle('FirstOrderLowPassFilterSFunctionBuilder/S-Function Builder'); Simulink.SFunctionBuilder.generateFMU(blockHandle,'FMUType','CS','Description','First Order Low Pass Filter');
View and specify the parameters SampleTime
in the Parameters tab of the FMU
Import block dialog.
View the bus output configuration in the Output tab of the FMU Import block dialog.
See Also
| Build S-Functions Automatically Using S-Function Builder