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Simplify a Standalone Model by Inlining Content

You can reduce file dependencies by inlining model content when you generate the sliced model. Inlining brings functional content into the sliced model and can eliminate model references, library links, and variant structures that are often not needed for model refinement or debugging.

If you want to disable inlining for certain block types, open the Model Slicer and click the options button slice_mgr_button_opts.png. Select only the block types for which you want to inline content. For information on block-specific inlining behavior, see Inline Content Options.

This example demonstrates inlining content of a model referenced by a Model block.

1. Open the model:


2. On the Apps tab, under Model Verification, Validation, and Test gallery, click Model Slicer.

3. In the model, right-click the MAP outport and select Model Slicer > Add as Starting Point. The path is highlighted through the Model block.


4. Create a sliced model from the highlight. In the Model Slicer, click the Generate slice button.

5. Enter a file name for the sliced model.

6. The sliced model contains the highlighted model content. The model reference is removed.


7. Click the arrow to look under the mask of the ThrottleAndManifold subsystem. The content from the referenced model is inlined into the model in the masked subsystem.


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