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LIS3MDL Magnetometer Sensor

Measure magnetic field strength and temperature from LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor

Since R2022b

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware add-on.

  • block icon for LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor

Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware / Sensors / IMU Sensors


The LIS3MDL Magnetometer Sensor block outputs the values of magnetic field strength along x-, y- and z- axes as measured by the LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor connected to Raspberry Pi® board. The block also outputs the temperature as read by the LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor.



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Magnetic field strength (in µT) measured by LIS3MDL sensor connected to Raspberry Pi board, along the x-, y- and z- axes, specified as a row vector [x,y,z].


This output port appears only if you select the Magnetic Field (µT) parameter.

Data Types: double

Temperature (in ℃) measured by LIS3MDL sensor connected to Raspberry Pi board.


This output port appears only if you select the Temperature (℃) parameter.

Data Types: double

Status of magnetic and temperature measurements, specified as a 1-by-2 vector. 0 indicates that the data read is new, 1 indicates that the data read is not new, and -1 indicates that the corresponding output is not selected.


This output port appears only if you select the Status parameter.

Data Types: int8


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Main Tab

Select this parameter to use onboard sensors.

Specify the I2C module on the board. The I2C bus frequency, serial clock (SCL) pin and serial data (SDA) pin are taken according to the corresponding I2C module entry in the configuration parameters.


To enable this parameter, deselect the Use onboard sensors parameter.

Select this parameter to set Magnetic Field as one of the output ports.

Select this parameter to set Temperature as one of the output ports.

Select this parameter to set Magnetic Field Status as one of the output ports.

Specify how often this block reads the data from the LIS3MDL sensor. When you set this parameter to -1, Simulink determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model.

Advanced Tab

Select the full scale for measuring linear acceleration (the range of acceleration that the sensor needs to measure).

Select the output data rate at which magnetometer data is sampled.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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