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Simulink 환경 사용자 지정

메뉴 및 대화 상자에서 항목 추가 또는 제거, 디스플레이 설정 및 자동 저장 설정 변경

Simulink® 환경에서 빠른 액세스 도구 모음, 툴스트립, 빠른 삽입 메뉴, 라이브러리 브라우저, 상황별 메뉴, 대화 상자 등을 사용자 지정합니다.


모두 확장

slExportFavoriteCommandsExport favorite commands from Simulink quick access toolbar (R2021b 이후)
slImportFavoriteCommandsImport favorite commands to Simulink quick access toolbar (R2021b 이후)
slResetFavoriteCommandsReset Simulink Favorite Commands gallery (R2021b 이후)
slConvertCustomMenusConvert custom toolbar menu into toolstrip tab (R2022a 이후)
slCreateToolstripComponentCreate custom Simulink Toolstrip component (R2021b 이후)
slCreateToolstripTabCreate custom tab for Simulink Toolstrip (R2021b 이후)
slDestroyToolstripComponentDestroy Simulink Toolstrip component (R2021b 이후)
slEditToolstripActionOpen file that defines custom Simulink Toolstrip action (R2021b 이후)
slEditToolstripCommandOpen file that defines custom Simulink Toolstrip command (R2021b 이후)
slEditToolstripIconOpen file that defines custom Simulink Toolstrip icon (R2021b 이후)
slEditToolstripWidgetOpen file that defines custom Simulink Toolstrip tab, section, column, or control (R2021b 이후)
slLoadedToolstripComponentsFind loaded custom Simulink Toolstrip components (R2021b 이후)
slPersistToolstripComponentSpecify whether custom Simulink Toolstrip component persists across MATLAB sessions (R2021b 이후)
sl_refresh_customizationsRefresh customizations in the current MATLAB session (R2022a 이후)
slReloadToolstripConfigReload Simulink Toolstrip configuration (R2021b 이후)
slUpdateToolstripComponentReload specific custom toolstrip component (R2023b 이후)
slToolstripDeveloperModeEnable developer mode for Simulink Toolstrip (R2021b 이후)
slblocksearchdb.untrainmodelRemove the effect of a model from the suggestion engine
slblocksearchdb.trainfrommodelTrain suggestion engine to improve quick insert results based on one model
slblocksearchdb.trainfrommodelsindirTrain suggestion engine to improve quick insert results based on models in a folder
slblocksearchdb.untrainmodelsindirRemove the effects of models from the suggestion engine
slblocksearchdb.untrainallRemove the effects of all added models from the suggestion engine
LibraryBrowser.LibraryBrowser2라이브러리 브라우저 객체의 핸들 가져오기
sl_refresh_customizationsRefresh customizations in the current MATLAB session (R2022a 이후)


LibraryBrowser.LBStandaloneDisplay, hide, size, and position Simulink Library Browser

도움말 항목