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Dynamic memory allocation threshold in MATLAB functions

Threshold above which memory is allocated dynamically for MATLAB code

Model Configuration Pane: Simulation Target


The Dynamic memory allocation threshold in MATLAB functions parameter specifies the threshold, in bytes, above which memory is allocated dynamically for variable-size arrays in MATLAB® code in MATLAB Function blocks, Stateflow® charts, and MATLAB System blocks in simulation and code generation. This parameter does not apply to:

  • Input signals

  • Output signals

  • Parameters

  • Global variables

  • Discrete state properties of the System object™ associated with a MATLAB System block


To enable this parameter, select Dynamic memory allocation in MATLAB functions.


65536 (default) | 0 | positive integer

Specify the threshold for dynamic memory allocation in bytes as 0 or as a positive integer value. To use dynamic memory allocation for all variable-size arrays, specify the threshold as 0.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionNo recommendation

Programmatic Use

Parameter: MATLABDynamicMemAllocThreshold
Type: integer
Values: 0 | positive integer
Default: 65536

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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