Organize Variant Control Macros in Same Header File
This example explains how to aggregate multiple variant control macros (#define
preprocessor directives) into a single generated header file to simplify the management of complex systems with multiple interacting variant conditions. Furthermore, you can use the custom storage classes to specify the header file name associated with the variant control variables. By applying the custom storage class, the header file name is automatically set for all parameter objects that represent the variant control variables. This approach eliminates the need to manually update the header file name for each parameter object, ensuring that any changes made to the header file name are reflected across all objects using the custom storage class.
We recommend completing the Implement Variations in Separate Hierarchy Using Variant Subsystems example to learn more about how to use variant blocks in Simulink.
Explore the Model
Open the slexVariantSubsystems
The slexVariantSubsystems
model contains a Variant Subsystem block named Controller
. The Controller
block encapsulates two different implementations, Linear Controller
and Nonlinear Controller
, as variant choices. To specify appropriate variant conditions in the variant choices, run the prepare_preproc_subsys
model = "slexVariantSubsystems";
1. Navigate inside the Controller
block to view its choices.
2. Right-click the variant badge on the Controller
block and select Block Parameters (Subsystem)
3. Specify the Variant activation time of the Controller
block as code compile
set_param("slexVariantSubsystems/Controller", "VariantActivationTime", "code compile");
4. Observe that the variant choices in the Controller
block are associated with variant controls that are represented by the
objects Simulink.VariantExpression
object contains the control expression MODE_A == 0 || MODE_B == 0
contains the control expression MODE_A == 1 && MODE_B == 1
. The control expressions are displayed in the Condition column of the Controller
Block Parameters dialog box.
set_param("slexVariantSubsystems/Controller/Linear Controller", "VariantControl", "VSS_LINEAR_CONTROLLER") set_param("slexVariantSubsystems/Controller/Nonlinear Controller", "VariantControl", "VSS_NONLINEAR_CONTROLLER")
Here, the variant control variables MODE_A
and MODE_B
objects and their values are set to Simulink.Parameter
. The parameter objects use the custom storage class Define
and are configured to appear in the generated code as C-code macros in a separate header file macros.h
The variant control variables defined as Simulink.Parameter
objects can have any of the storage classes listed in Storage Classes for Different Variant Activation Times.
MODE_A = Simulink.Parameter; MODE_A.Value = 1; MODE_A.DataType = "int32"; MODE_A.CoderInfo.StorageClass = "Custom"; MODE_A.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = "Define"; MODE_A.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = "macros.h"; MODE_B = Simulink.Parameter; MODE_B.Value = 1; MODE_B.DataType = "int32"; MODE_B.CoderInfo.StorageClass = "Custom"; MODE_B.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = "Define"; MODE_B.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = "macros.h"; VSS_LINEAR_CONTROLLER = Simulink.Variant; VSS_LINEAR_CONTROLLER.Condition = "MODE_A == 0 || MODE_B == 0"; VSS_NONLINEAR_CONTROLLER = Simulink.Variant; VSS_NONLINEAR_CONTROLLER.Condition = "MODE_A == 1 && MODE_B == 1";
Change Name of Generated Header File
To change the name of the generated header file from macros.h
to variant_controls.h
, perform these steps:
1. On the Modeling tab, select Model Explorer.
2. In the Model Hierarchy pane, select Simulink Root > Base Workspace. The Contents pane displays all the objects in the base workspace.
3. Select MODE_A
, and then in the Simulink.Parameter:MODE_A pane, select the Code Generation tab.
4. In the HeaderFile parameter, specify variant_controls.h
as the name of the file.
5. Repeat the steps to change the name of the generated header file for MODE_B
to variant_controls.h
Alternatively, you can change the file name programmatically, by using this command. For more information, see Simulink.CoderInfo
MODE_A.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'variant_controls.h'; MODE_B.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'variant_controls.h';
6. To generate code, in the Apps tab of the toolstrip, navigate to Embedded Coder. In the C code tab, select Build > Generate code. Alternatively, enter this command in the Command Window.
slbuild(model); cfile=fullfile(pwd, "slexVariantSubsystems_ert_rtw", "slexVariantSubsystems.c"); coder.example.extractLines(cfile, "/* Model step", "/* Model initialize", 1, 0);
### Starting build procedure for: slexVariantSubsystems ### Successful completion of build procedure for: slexVariantSubsystems Build Summary Top model targets: Model Build Reason Status Build Duration ======================================================================================================================== slexVariantSubsystems Information cache folder or artifacts were missing. Code generated and compiled. 0h 0m 23.003s 1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 27.822s /* Model step function */ void slexVariantSubsystems_step(void) { #if VSS_LINEAR_CONTROLLER real_T denAccum; #endif real_T rtb_sine1; real_T rtb_sine3; real_T sine2; /* Sin: '<Root>/sine1' */ if (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable != 0) { rtb_sine1 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_M->Timing.clockTick0) * 0.01); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin = sin(1.0471975511965976 * rtb_sine1); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos = cos(1.0471975511965976 * rtb_sine1); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable = 0; } rtb_sine1 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin * 0.99994516936551214 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos * -0.010471784116245792) * 0.99994516936551214 + (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos * 0.99994516936551214 - slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin * -0.010471784116245792) * 0.010471784116245792) * 0.1; /* End of Sin: '<Root>/sine1' */ /* Sin: '<Root>/sine2' */ if (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable_e != 0) { sine2 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_M->Timing.clockTick0) * 0.01); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g = sin(sine2); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n = cos(sine2); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable_e = 0; } /* Sin: '<Root>/sine2' */ sine2 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g * 0.99995000041666526 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n * -0.0099998333341666645) * 0.99995000041666526 + (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n * 0.99995000041666526 - slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g * -0.0099998333341666645) * 0.0099998333341666645) * 2.0; /* Sin: '<Root>/sine3' */ if (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable_b != 0) { rtb_sine3 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_M->Timing.clockTick0) * 0.01); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i = sin(0.52359877559829882 * rtb_sine3); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i = cos(0.52359877559829882 * rtb_sine3); slexVariantSubsystems_DW.systemEnable_b = 0; } rtb_sine3 = ((slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i * 0.99998629224742674 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i * -0.00523596383141958) * 0.99998629224742674 + (slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i * 0.99998629224742674 - slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i * -0.00523596383141958) * 0.00523596383141958) * 0.3; /* End of Sin: '<Root>/sine3' */ /* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Controller' */ #if VSS_LINEAR_CONTROLLER /* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S1>/Linear Controller' */ /* Update for DiscreteTransferFcn: '<S2>/Discrete Transfer Fcn' */ denAccum = (sine2 - 0.09 * slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[0]) - 0.5 * slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[1]; /* VariantMerge generated from: '<S1>/Out1' incorporates: * DiscreteTransferFcn: '<S2>/Discrete Transfer Fcn' * Sum: '<S2>/Add' */ slexVariantSubsystems_Y.Out1 = ((0.7 * slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[1] + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[0]) + rtb_sine1) + rtb_sine3; /* Update for DiscreteTransferFcn: '<S2>/Discrete Transfer Fcn' */ slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[1] = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[0]; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.DiscreteTransferFcn_states[0] = denAccum; /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/Linear Controller' */ /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Controller' */ #elif VSS_NONLINEAR_CONTROLLER /* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S1>/Nonlinear Controller' */ /* VariantMerge generated from: '<S1>/Out1' incorporates: * Lookup_n-D: '<S3>/1-D Lookup Table' * Sin: '<Root>/sine2' * Sum: '<S3>/Add' */ slexVariantSubsystems_Y.Out1 = (rtb_sine1 + look1_binlxpw(sine2, slexVariantSubsystems_ConstP.uDLookupTable_bp01Data, slexVariantSubsystems_ConstP.uDLookupTable_tableData, 10U)) + rtb_sine3; /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/Nonlinear Controller' */ #endif /* Update for Sin: '<Root>/sine1' */ rtb_sine1 = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin * 0.99994516936551214 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos * 0.010471784116245792; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos * 0.99994516936551214 - rtb_sine1 * 0.010471784116245792; /* Update for Sin: '<Root>/sine2' */ rtb_sine1 = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_g * 0.99995000041666526 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n * 0.0099998333341666645; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_n * 0.99995000041666526 - rtb_sine1 * 0.0099998333341666645; /* Update for Sin: '<Root>/sine3' */ rtb_sine1 = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastSin_i * 0.99998629224742674 + slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i * 0.00523596383141958; slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i = slexVariantSubsystems_DW.lastCos_i * 0.99998629224742674 - rtb_sine1 * 0.00523596383141958; /* Update absolute time for base rate */ /* The "clockTick0" counts the number of times the code of this task has * been executed. The resolution of this integer timer is 0.01, which is the step size * of the task. Size of "clockTick0" ensures timer will not overflow during the * application lifespan selected. */ slexVariantSubsystems_M->Timing.clockTick0++; }
Observe that the variant control variables MODE_A
and MODE_B
appear as C-code macros in the header file variant_controls.h
cfile=fullfile(pwd, "slexVariantSubsystems_ert_rtw", "variant_controls.h"); coder.example.extractLines(cfile, "/* Exported data define */", " /* variant_controls_h_ */", 1, 1);
/* Exported data define */ /* Definition for custom storage class: Define */ #define MODE_A 1 /* Referenced by: * '<S1>/Linear Controller' * '<S1>/Nonlinear Controller' */ #define MODE_B 1 /* Referenced by: * '<S1>/Linear Controller' * '<S1>/Nonlinear Controller' */ #endif /* variant_controls_h_ */
Reduce Maintenance Effort by Creating Custom Storage Class
To change the name of a header file that is associated with multiple parameter objects, you must change the configuration of each parameter object individually. While the Model Data Editor allows for batch editing, this does not extend to new variant control variables (parameter objects) that you add. You must specify the header file name individually. Additionally, the Model Data Editor displays parameter objects for only a single model at a time.
A more efficient approach is to create a custom storage class. With the custom storage class, you are required to specify the header file name within the custom storage class definition only once. Consequently, this header file name automatically applies to all parameter objects linked to the custom storage class.
To create a custom storage class, perform these steps:
1. Copy the demodata
package into your current folder as +myPackage
2. Navigate inside the +myPackage
folder and open Parameter.m
3. Uncomment the methods
section that defines the method setupCoderInfo
. In the call to the function useLocalCustomStorageClasses
, replace 'packageName'
with 'myPackage'
methods function setupCoderInfo(h) % Use custom storage classes from this package useLocalCustomStorageClasses(h, 'myPackage'); end end % methods
4. Save and close the file.
5. Open the Custom Storage Class Designer.
6. Select the custom storage class Define
7. Click Copy. A new custom storage class, Define_1
, appears. Select this new custom storage class.
8. Set Name to VariantControlVar
9. Set Header file to Specify
. In the text box, enter variant_controls.h
and save the changes.
10. At the command prompt, replace the Simulink.Parameter
objects MODE_A
and MODE_B
with the myPackage.Parameter
object. Apply the new custom storage class VariantControlVar
MODE_A = myPackage.Parameter; MODE_A.Value = 1; MODE_A.DataType = "int32"; MODE_A.CoderInfo.StorageClass = "Custom"; MODE_A.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = "VariantControlVar"; MODE_B = myPackage.Parameter; MODE_B.Value = 1; MODE_B.DataType = "int32"; MODE_B.CoderInfo.StorageClass = "Custom"; MODE_B.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = "VariantControlVar";
11. Create a new parameter object MODE_C
representing a variant control variable using the custom storage class VariantControlVar
MODE_C.Value = 1; MODE_C.DataType = "int32"; MODE_C.CoderInfo.StorageClass = "Custom"; MODE_C.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = "VariantControlVar";
Instead of modifying each parameter object individually, you can change the header file name for all of them once using the Custom Storage Class Designer.
See Also
Create Storage Classes by Using the Custom Storage Class Designer (Embedded Coder) | Choose Storage Class for Controlling Data Representation in Generated Code