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Class: target.DebugIOTool
Namespace: target

Write byte stream to variable in memory

Since R2021a


errFlag = myDebugIOTool.write(byteStream, variable)


errFlag = myDebugIOTool.write(byteStream, variable), through the debugger, writes the specified byte stream to the variable in memory. The method returns an error flag.

Input Arguments

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Byte stream to write to memory.

Example: ef = myDebugIOTool.write('myByteStream', myVariable)

Destination variable in memory.

Example: ef = myDebugIOTool.write('myByteStream', myVariable)

Data Types: uint64

Output Arguments

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Outcome of the write operation:

  • true –– Error occurred during write operation.

  • false –– Write operation completed.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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