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Create summary table reporter template

Since R2022a


    template =,templateType) creates a copy of the template for the report type specified by type at the location specified by templatePath. Use the copied template as a starting point to design a custom reporter template for your report.


    collapse all

    Create a copy of the HTML template for your particular class and save it with the name myTemplate in the mytemplates folder. This example uses the class, but the process is the same for any createTemplate method.

    template = ...

    After you modify the template, you can use it by setting the TemplateSrc property of a reporter to the path of the template file.

    Input Arguments

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    Target path and file name of copy of template file, specified as a character vector or string scalar. If you specify templatePath without the file extension, the method creates the file with the extension of the copied template file. If you include the file extension, it must match the extension of the copied template file.

    Data Types: char | string

    Type of template, specified as "html", "html-file", "docx", or "pdf".

    Data Types: char | string

    Output Arguments

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    Path and file name of the template copy, returned as a string scalar. The specified template type determines the file name extension of the template. For example, if the type argument is "pdf", the file name extension is ".pdftx".

    Data Types: string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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