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Signal Loop

Run child components for each signal contained in current system, model, or block


The Signal Loop component runs its child components for each signal contained in the current system, model, or block. The parent component determines the behavior of this component.

  • Model Loop: Loops on all signals in the current model.

  • System Loop: Loops on all signals in the current system. Choose not to report on the following types of signals by clearing the corresponding option in the Select Signals area:

    • Include system input signals

    • Include system output signals

    • Include system internal signals

  • Signal Loop: Loops on the current signal.

  • Block Loop : Loops on all signals connected to the current block. Choose not to report on the following types of signals by clearing the corresponding option in the Select Signals area:

    • Include block input signals

    • Include block output signals

  • If the Signal Loop does not have a looping component as its parent, it loops on all signals in all models. Choose not to report on the following types of signals by clearing the corresponding option in the Select Signals area:

    • Include block input signals

    • Include block output signals

    • Include System input signals

    • Include System output signals

    • Include System internal signals

For conditional processing of signals, you can use the RptgenSL.getReportedSignal function. For more information, see Loop Through Context Functions.

Select Signals

  • Include block input signals: Loops on signals that feed into blocks. This option is valid only when the parent component of this component is a Block Loop.

  • Include block output signals: Loops on signals that leave the block. This option is valid only when the parent component of this component is a Block Loop.

  • Include system input signals: Loops on signals coming from inports. This option is valid only when the parent component of this component is a System Loop.

  • Include system internal signals: Loops on system internal signals. This option is valid only when the parent component of this component is a System Loop.

  • Include system output signals: Loops on signals going to outports. This option is valid only when the parent component of this component is a System Loop.

  • Sort signals: Specifies how to sort signals:

    • Alphabetically by signal name: Sorts signals alphabetically by name.

    • Alphabetically by signal name (exclude empty): Sorts signals alphabetically by name.

    • Alphabetically by system name: Sorts alphabetically by parent system names. Lists signals in each system, but in no particular order.

    • By signal depth: Sorts signals by their depth in the model.

Section Options

  • Create section for each object in loop: Inserts a section in the generated report for each object found in the loop.

  • Display the object type in the section title: Automatically inserts the object type into the section title in the generated report. This is only available when Create section for each object in loop is selected.

  • Create link anchor for each object in loop: Create a link target on each object in the loop so that other parts of the report can link to it.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes, inserts a section if you select Create section for each object in loop and a link target if you select Create link anchor for each object in loop.



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