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Fixed Point Logging Options

Set fixed-point options like in Fixed Point Tool


This component sets fixed-point options like those set in the Fixed Point Tool (invoked by running the fxptdlg function).

This component must be a child of the Model Loop component. Use this component to set the following options on the current model:

  • Data type override

  • Instrumentation mode

  • Logging type

This component can have child components. It is a good practice to use this component with a Model Simulation component as its child. This approach sets fixed-point properties for the model for the purpose of the simulation, and then restores them to their original values after the simulation is complete.

Data Type Override

  • Use local settings: Overrides data types according to the value of this parameter set for each subsystem. Otherwise, settings for parent systems override those of child systems.

  • Scaled double: Overrides the output data type of all blocks in the current system or subsystem with doubles. However, this option maintains the scaling and bias specified in the mask of each block.

  • True Doubles: Overrides the output data type of all blocks in the current system or subsystem with doubles. The overridden values have no scaling or bias.

  • True Singles: Overrides the output data type of all blocks in the current system or subsystem with singles. The overridden values have no scaling or bias.

  • Force Off: Does not perform any data type override on any block in the current system or subsystem.

Instrumentation Mode

Specify logging options in this section. For logged blocks, minimum and maximum simulation values are written to the workspace.

  • Use local settings: Logs data according to the value of this parameter set for each subsystem. Otherwise, settings for parent systems always override those of child systems.

  • Min, max, and overflow: Logs minimum value, maximum value, and overflow data for all blocks in the current system or subsystem.

  • Overflow only: Logs only overflow data for all blocks in the current system or subsystem.

  • Force off: Logs no data for any block in the current system or subsystem. Use this selection to work with models containing fixed point-enabled blocks, if you do not have a Fixed-Point Designer™ license.

For more information on logging simulation results, see Use the Fixed-Point Tool to Rescale a Fixed-Point Model (Fixed-Point Designer).

Logging Type

Specify how to record logs in this section:

  • Overwrite log: Clears information in the logs before new logging data is entered.

  • Merge log: Merges new logging data with previously logged information.

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