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Create Tables from MATLAB Tables

To create a DOM API table from a MATLAB® table, use an mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable object. The DOM representation of a MATLAB table has the structure of a DOM formal table. See Create Formal Tables. The MATLABTable header contains the column names from the MATLAB table. The MATLABTable body contains the rows and elements from the MATLAB table.

If the table in MATLAB has row names, the first column of the MATLABTable object contains the row names. In MATLAB, the row name column does not have a label. In the MATLABTable object, you can specify a label for the row name column by changing the content of the first element of the header. You can specify a line under the row name column label by setting the RowNamesRule property of the MATLABTable object to true.

For information about other types of tables that you can create in reports, see Choose Type of Table to Create.

Create a Table from a MATLAB Table

This example creates a DOM table from a MATLAB table that has row names. The example generates two reports that include the DOM table. In the first report, the row names column of the table does not have a label. In the second report, the row names column has a label.

Create a MATLAB table that shows the age, weight, and height of patients. Use the RowNames option to identify each row by the last name of the patient.

LastName = {'Sanchez';'Johnson';'Lee';'Diaz';'Brown'};
Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
mltable = table(Age,Weight,Height,'RowNames',LastName)
mltable=5×3 table
               Age    Weight    Height
               ___    ______    ______

    Sanchez    38      176        71  
    Johnson    43      163        69  
    Lee        38      131        64  
    Diaz       40      133        67  
    Brown      49      119        64  

The MATLAB table has five rows and three columns. The row names are not part of the table. They are stored in a property of the table.

Create an mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable object from the MATLAB table.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
mltableObj = MATLABTable(mltable);

Create a document and append the MATLABTable object to the document. Close and view the document.

d = Document('MyMATLABTable1','docx');

Here is the table in the generated report:

The DOM table is a formal table, which has a header and a body. The table body has five rows and four columns. The first column consists of the MATLAB table row names.

Generate the report again, this time with a label for the column of row names. To specify the label, replace the empty text in the first entry of the table header row with the label text. To draw a line under the label, set the RowNamesRule property of the MATLABTable object to true.

LastName = {'Sanchez';'Johnson';'Lee';'Diaz';'Brown'};
Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
mltable = table(Age,Weight,Height,'RowNames',LastName);
import mlreportgen.dom.*
mltableObj = MATLABTable(mltable);
th = mltableObj.Header;
thentry11 = entry(th,1,1);
thentry11.Children(1).Children(1).Content = 'Names';
mltableObj.RowNamesRule = true;
d = Document('MyMATLABTable2','docx');

Here is the table in the generated report:

Format a Table Created from a MATLAB Table

By default, a table generated from a MATLABTable object is formatted to look like a table in MATLAB. To customize the appearance of the table, you can use the same approaches that you use for other types of tables:

  • Update the default style in the style sheets of the default HTML, Word, or PDF template. The default StyleName of a MATLABTable object is "rgMATLABTable".

  • Set the StyleName property to a custom style.

  • Use format properties or format objects with the table or a section of the table.

See Format Tables.

Format the Sections of a MATLAB Table

This example shows how to format the sections of a DOM table that is created from a MATLAB table.

Format the Table Header

This example makes the column headings italic.

To access the header, use the Header property of the mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable object. The example adds an mlreportgen.dom.Italic format object to the Style property of the mlreportgen.dom.TableHeader object that represents the header.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('myMATLABTable','pdf');

Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
mltable = table(Age,Weight,Height);

mltableObj = MATLABTable(mltable);
mltableObj.Header.Style = [mltableObj.Header.Style {Italic(true)}];


Format the Table Body

This example makes the entries of the first row of the table body blue.

To access the table body, use the Body property of the mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable object. To access a row of the body, use the row method of the mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object that represents the row. The example adds an mlreportgen.dom.Color format object to the Style property of the TableRow object that represents the first row.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('myMATLABTable','pdf');

Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
mltable = table(Age,Weight,Height);

mltableObj = MATLABTable(mltable);
tbody = mltableObj.Body;
row1 = row(tbody,1);
row1.Style = [row1.Style {Color('blue')}];


See Also

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