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Magnetic Flux Density in H-Shaped Magnet

This example shows how to solve a 2-D magnetostatic model for a ferromagnetic frame with an H-shaped cavity. This setup generates a uniform magnetic field due to the presence of two coils.

Create a geometry that consists of a rectangular frame with an H-shaped cavity, four rectangles representing the two coils, and a unit square representing the air domain around the magnet. Specify all dimensions in millimeters, and use the value convfactor = 1000 to convert the dimensions to meters.

convfactor = 1000;

Create the H-shaped geometry to model the cavity.

xCoordsCavity = [-425 -125 -125 125 125 425 425 ...
               125 125 -125 -125 -425]/convfactor;
yCoordsCavity = [-400 -400 -100 -100 -400 -400 ...
               400 400 100 100 400 400]/convfactor;
RH = [2;12;xCoordsCavity';yCoordsCavity'];

Create the geometry to model the rectangular ferromagnetic frame.

RS = [3;4;[-525;525;525;-525;-500;-500;500;500]/convfactor];
zeroPad  = zeros(numel(RH)-numel(RS),1);
RS = [RS;zeroPad];

Create the geometries to model the coils.

RC1 = [3;4;[150;250;250;150;120;120;350;350]/convfactor;
RC2 = [3;4;[-150;-250;-250;-150;120;120;350;350]/convfactor;
RC3 = [3;4;[150;250;250;150;-120;-120;-350;-350]/convfactor;
RC4 = [3;4;[-150;-250;-250;-150;-120;-120;-350;-350]/convfactor;

Create the geometry to model the air domain around the magnet.

RD = [3;4;[-1000;1000;1000;-1000;-1000; ...

Combine the shapes into one matrix.

gd = [RS,RH,RC1,RC2,RC3,RC4,RD];

Create a set formula and create the geometry.

ns = char('RS','RH','RC1','RC2','RC3','RC4','RD');
g = decsg(gd,'(RS+RH+RC1+RC2+RC3+RC4)+RD',ns');

Plot the geometry with the face labels.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 8 objects of type line, text.

Plot the geometry with the edge labels.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 37 objects of type line, text.

Create an femodel object for magnetostatic analysis and include the geometry in the model.

model = femodel(AnalysisType="magnetostatic", ...

Generate a mesh with fine refinement in the ferromagnetic frame.

model = generateMesh(model,Hface={2,0.01},Hmax=0.1,Hgrad=2);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Specify the vacuum permeability value in the SI system of units.

model.VacuumPermeability = 1.25663706212e-6;

Specify a relative permeability of 1 for all domains.

model.MaterialProperties = ...

Now specify the large constant relative permeability of the ferromagnetic frame.

model.MaterialProperties(2) = ...

Specify the current density values on the upper and lower coils.

model.FaceLoad([5,6]) = faceLoad(CurrentDensity=1E6);
model.FaceLoad([4,7]) = faceLoad(CurrentDensity=-1E6);

Specify that the magnetic potential on the outer surface of the air domain is 0.

model.EdgeBC([5,6,13,14]) = edgeBC(MagneticPotential=0);

Solve the model.

R = solve(model)
R = 
  MagnetostaticResults with properties:

      MagneticPotential: [32049x1 double]
          MagneticField: [1x1 FEStruct]
    MagneticFluxDensity: [1x1 FEStruct]
                   Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]

Plot the magnitude of the flux density.

Bmag = sqrt(R.MagneticFluxDensity.Bx.^2 + ...

pdeplot(R.Mesh,XYData=Bmag, ...
               FlowData=[R.MagneticFluxDensity.Bx ...

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type patch, quiver.


[1] Kozlowski, A., R. Rygal, and S. Zurek. "Large DC electromagnet for semi-industrial thermomagnetic processing of nanocrystalline ribbon." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50, issue 4 (April 2014): 1-4.