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Iterate Through lib.pointer Object

Create Cell Array from lib.pointer Object

This example shows how to create a MATLAB® cell array of character vectors, mlStringArray, from the output of the getListOfStrings function.

Load the shrlibsample library.

if not(libisloaded('shrlibsample'))

Call the getListOfStrings function to create an array of character vectors. The function returns a pointer to the array.

ptr = calllib('shrlibsample','getListOfStrings');
ans = 

Create indexing variables to iterate through the arrays. Use ptrindex for the array returned by the function and index for the MATLAB array.

ptrindex = ptr;
index = 1;

Create the cell array of character vectors mlStringArray. Copy the output of getListOfStrings to the cell array.

% read until end of list (NULL)
while ischar(ptrindex.value{1}) 
    mlStringArray{index} = ptrindex.value{1};
    % increment pointer 
    ptrindex = ptrindex + 1; 
    % increment array index
    index = index + 1; 

View the contents of the cell array.

mlStringArray = 1x4 cell
    {'String 1'}    {'String Two'}    {0x0 char}    {'Last string'}

Perform Pointer Arithmetic on Structure Array

This example shows how to use pointer arithmetic to access elements of a structure. The example creates a MATLAB structure, based on the c_struct definition in the shrlibsample.h header file.

Load the definition.

if not(libisloaded('shrlibsample'))

Create the MATLAB structure.

s = struct('p1',{1,2,3},'p2',{1.1,2.2,3.3},'p3',{0});

Create a pointer to the structure.

sptr = libpointer('c_struct',s);

Read the values of the first element.

v1 = sptr.Value
v1 = struct with fields:
    p1: 1
    p2: 1
    p3: 0

Read the values of the next element by incrementing the pointer.

sptr = sptr + 1;
v2 = sptr.Value
v2 = struct with fields:
    p1: 2
    p2: 2
    p3: 0

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