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Maximize Geographic Axes in Figure

Maximize the layout of a geographic axes by making the map fill the entire figure and by hiding the grid and tick marks.

This example assumes that the geographic axes is parented to a Figure object and uses the default values for the Units property, "normalized", and the OuterPosition property, [0 0 1 1]. Otherwise, the axes might not fill the figure and you might see the tick and axis labels.

Create a map from the latitude and longitude coordinates stored in a table.

counties = readtable("counties.xlsx");
lat = counties.Latitude;
lon = counties.Longitude;

Figure contains an axes object with type geoaxes. The geoaxes contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

Maximize the geographic axes within the figure. For best results, the Units property of the geographic axes should be "normalized" and the OuterPosition property of the geographic axes should be [0 0 1 1]. Otherwise, decorations such as the tick and axis labels might still be visible.

  • Make the axes fill the entire figure by setting the InnerPosition property of the axes object equal to the OuterPosition property.

  • Remove the tick marks by changing the TickDir property of the axes object.

  • Turn off the grid by using the grid function.

gx = gca;
gx.InnerPosition = gx.OuterPosition;
gx.TickDir = "none";
grid off

Figure contains an axes object with type geoaxes. The geoaxes contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

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