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Display properties of WMS layers or capabilities


disp(layers,Name,Value,...) displays the index number followed by the property names and property values of the Web map service layers, layers. You can specify additional options using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


disp(capabilities) displays the properties of the Web map service capabilities document, capabilities. The function removes hyperlinks and expands character vector and cell array properties.



collapse all

Search the WMS Database for layers that contain srtm30. Display the LayerTitle and LayerName properties without an Index.

layers = wmsfind('srtm30');
disp(layers(1:5),'Index', 'off', ...
  5x1 WMSLayer

      LayerTitle: 'Estimated Seafloor Depth Gradients: srtm30plus (US West Coast) - magnitude_gradient'
       LayerName: 'erdSrtm30plusSeafloorGradient:magnitude_gradient'

      LayerTitle: 'Estimated Seafloor Depth Gradients: srtm30plus (US West Coast) - sea_floor_depth'
       LayerName: 'erdSrtm30plusSeafloorGradient:sea_floor_depth'

      LayerTitle: 'Estimated Seafloor Depth Gradients: srtm30plus (US West Coast) - x_gradient'
       LayerName: 'erdSrtm30plusSeafloorGradient:x_gradient'

      LayerTitle: 'Estimated Seafloor Depth Gradients: srtm30plus (US West Coast) - y_gradient'
       LayerName: 'erdSrtm30plusSeafloorGradient:y_gradient'

      LayerTitle: 'SRTM30_PLUS Estimated Topography, 30 seconds, Global, v11 - z'
       LayerName: 'srtm30plus:z'

Your results might be different because the WMS Database changes each release.

Sort and display the LayerName property with an index.

Search the WMS Database for layers that contain information about elevation.

layers = wmsfind('elevation');

Sort the layers.

[layerNames,index] = sort({layers.LayerName});

Display the first five results.

layers = layers(index);
  5x1 WMSLayer

           Index: 1

           Index: 2

           Index: 3

           Index: 4

           Index: 5

Your results might be different because the WMS Database changes each release.

Create a WMSCapabilities object from the contents of a downloaded capabilities file from the NASA SVS Image Server.

nasa = wmsfind('NASA SVS Image', 'SearchField', 'servertitle');
serverURL = nasa(1).ServerURL;
server = WebMapServer(serverURL);
capabilities = server.getCapabilities;

Display the properties of the capabilities document.


         ServerTitle: 'NASA SVS Image Server'
           ServerURL: ''
         ServiceName: 'WMS'
             Version: '1.3.0'
            Abstract: 'Web Map Server maintained by the Scientific Visualization Studio at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center'
      OnlineResource: ''
  ContactInformation: [1x1 struct]
   AccessConstraints: 'none'
                Fees: 'none'
         KeywordList: {}
        ImageFormats: {'image/png'}
          LayerNames: {326x1 cell}
               Layer: [326x1 WMSLayer]
          AccessDate: '01-Apr-2021'


Your results might be different because the WMS Database changes each release.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Layers to display, specified as an array of WMSLayer objects.

WMS capabilities document to display, specified as a WMSCapabilities object.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Properties',{'layertitle','layername'}

You can abbreviate parameter names, and case does not matter.

Properties to display, specified as a character vector or cell array of character vectors. The properties are displayed in the same order as they are provided to Properties. Permissible values are: 'servertitle', 'servername', 'layertitle', 'layername', 'latlim', 'lonlim', 'abstract', 'coordrefsyscodes', 'details', or 'all'. To list all the properties, set 'Properties' to 'all'.

Example: {'coordrefsyscodes','latlim','lonlim'}

Flag to display property values, specified as the character vector 'on' or 'off'. The value is case-insensitive. If you set 'Label' to 'on', then the property name appears followed by its value. If you set 'Label' to 'off', then only the property value appears in the output.

Example: 'off'

Flag to display property indices, specified as the character vector 'on' or 'off'. The value is case-insensitive. If you set 'Index' to 'on', then disp lists the element's index in the output. If you set 'Index' to 'off', then disp does not list the index value in the output.

Example: 'off'

Version History

Introduced in R2009b

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