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Code Generation Fundamentals

HDL code generation startup, language selection, HDL code generation scripts

The Filter Design HDL Coder™ workflow automates the implementation of filter designs in HDL. First, design a filter, either manually or by using DSP System Toolbox™ tools Filter Designer or Filter Builder. Then, use the Generate HDL dialog box or the generatehdl function to configure code generation options and generate a VHDL or Verilog implementation of the design. This workflow enables you to fine-tune algorithms and models through rapid prototyping and experimentation, while spending less time on HDL implementation. See Starting Filter Design HDL Coder.


fdhdltoolOpen Generate HDL dialog box (To be removed)
generatehdlGenerate HDL code for quantized filter (To be removed)


Fundamental HDL Code Generation PropertiesCustomize filter name, destination folder, and specify target language


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