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Verify HLS Code That Has an HDL Test Bench

Simulate the generated High-Level Synthesis (HLS) design under test (DUT) with test vectors from the test bench files.

  1. Start the MATLAB to HDL Workflow Advisor.

  2. In the HDL Workflow Advisor, select MATLAB to HLS as the Code generation workflow.

  3. Select the Workflow as High Level Synthesis and Synthesis tool as Cadence Stratus in the Select Code Generation Target step.

  4. For HDL Verification, click Verify with HDL Test Bench.

  5. Optionally, select Simulate generated HDL test bench. This option enables MATLAB® to simulate the HLS test bench by using the HLS DUT.

  6. Click Run.

    If the test bench and simulation executes without error, you see messages similar to these messages in the message pane:

    ### Begin TestBench generation.
    Code generation successful.
    ### Collecting data...
    ### Begin HDL test bench file generation with logged samples
    ### Generating test bench data file: /tmp/mlhdlc_sfir/codegen/mlhdlc_sfir/hdlsrc/x_in.dat.
    ### Generating test bench data file: /tmp/mlhdlc_sfir/codegen/mlhdlc_sfir/hdlsrc/y_out_expected.dat.
    ### Generating test bench data file: /tmp/mlhdlc_sfir/codegen/mlhdlc_sfir/hdlsrc/delayed_xout_expected.dat.
    ### Generating test bench file: mlhdlc_sfir_fixptClass_tb.hpp
    ### Running Stratus Importer on the generated testbench.
    ### Working on mlhdlc_sfir_fixpt_bdw_import_log.txt as /tmp/mlhdlc_sfir/codegen/mlhdlc_sfir/hdlsrc/stratus_prj/mlhdlc_sfir_fixpt_bdw_import_log.txt.
    ### Stratus Importer successful.
    ### Simulating the design 'mlhdlc_sfir_fixpt' using 'Cadence Stratus'.
    ### Generating Simulation Report /tmp/mlhdlc_sfir/codegen/mlhdlc_sfir/hdlsrc/stratus_prj/mlhdlc_sfir_fixpt_sim_BEH_log_sim.txt
    ### Simulation successful.
    ### Elapsed Time: ' 64.6783' sec(s)

    If the errors appear in the message pane, fix the errors and click Run.

Additional Notes

  • After clicking Run, the test bench generation starts generating the .dat files, such as x_in.dat and y_out_expected.dat, that contains the input and the expected output values to the top-level DUT and a test bench class file.

  • When the test bench files are generated, the Stratus Importer is run by using Cadence Stratus HLS tool. It generates a Stratus HLS project in the current working folder.

  • The simulation compiles and executes the generated HLS code and test bench with input values stored in the x_in.dat file. The simulation can verify the numeric match of the generated HLS code to the MATLAB code by comparing the HLS output with the expected output values stored in the y_out_expected.dat file.

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