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Floating-Point Tolerance Parameters

Set the floating-point tolerance parameters in the Verification > Verify with HLS Test Bench > Test Bench Options tab of the HDL Workflow Advisor. Using the parameters in this tab, you can specify the floating-point tolerance strategy and the tolerance value.

Tolerance Strategy

When you generate HLS code from your MATLAB® algorithm containing floating-point types, specify the floating-point tolerance strategy option.


Default: Relative Error

When you verify the generated code by using HLS Test bench, HDL Coder™ checks for the floating-point tolerance based on the relative error.


Generate test bench enables this parameter. Enable this parameter by clicking Generate Test Bench in the Verification > Verify with HLS Test Bench > Output Settings pane of the HDL Workflow Advisor.


ULP error is not supported for HLS code generation.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: FPToleranceStrategy
Type: character vector
Value: "Relative Error"
Default: "Relative Error"

Tolerance Value

Enter the tolerance value based on the floating-point tolerance check setting.


Default: 1e-07

When you use this floating-point tolerance check setting, specify the tolerance value as a double.


Generate test bench enables this parameter.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: FPToleranceValue
Type: double
Default: 1e-07
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