Bond Futures
Calculate price and implied repo rate for bond futures
Calculate the price and implied repo rate for bond futures and Treasury bond futures.
bndfutimprepo | Implied repo rates for bond future given price |
bndfutprice | Price bond future given repo rates |
convfactor | Bond conversion factors |
tfutbyprice | Future prices of Treasury bonds given spot price |
tfutbyyield | Future prices of Treasury bonds given current yield |
tfutimprepo | Implied repo rates for Treasury bond future given price |
tfutpricebyrepo | Calculates Treasury bond futures price given the implied repo rates |
tfutyieldbyrepo | Calculates Treasury bond futures yield given the implied repo rates |
- Analysis of Bond Futures
This example demonstrates analyzing German Euro-Bund futures traded on Eurex.
- Fitting the Diebold Li Model
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- Managing Interest-Rate Risk with Bond Futures
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- Bond Futures
Bond futures are futures contracts where the commodity for delivery is a government bond.
- Managing Present Value with Bond Futures
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- Stepped-Coupon Bonds
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