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Import Time Series Data into Econometric Modeler App

These examples show how to import time series data into the Econometric Modeler app. Before you import the data, you must prepare the data at the MATLAB® command line (see Prepare Time Series Data for Econometric Modeler App).

Import Data from MATLAB Workspace

This example shows how to import data from the MATLAB Workspace into Econometric Modeler. The data set Data_Airline.mat contains monthly counts of airline passengers.

At the command line, load the Data_Airline.mat data set.

load Data_Airline

At the command line, open the Econometric Modeler app.


Alternatively, open the app from the apps gallery (see Econometric Modeler).

Import the MATLAB timetable containing the data:

  1. On the Econometric Modeler tab, in the Import section, click .

  2. In the Import Data dialog box, in the Import? column, select the check box for the DataTimeTable variable.

    Import Data window shows the DateTimeTable variable with 144 by 1 timetable value selected. The Import button at the bottom right corner of the window is indicated with a red box, to show its location.

  3. Click Import.

The variable PSSG appears in the Time Series pane, and its time series plot appears in the Time Series Plot(PSSG) figure window.

A time series plot of PSSG with regular peaks and valleys that is trending upward as time progresses.

The series exhibits a seasonal trend and serial correlation, but an exponential growth is not apparent. For an interactive analysis of serial correlation, see Detect Serial Correlation Using Econometric Modeler App.

Import Data from MAT-File

This example shows how to import data from a MAT-file, stored on your machine, into Econometric Modeler. Suppose that the data set is named Data_Airline.mat and is stored in the MyData folder of your C drive.

At the command line, open the Econometric Modeler app.


Alternatively, open the app from the apps gallery (see Econometric Modeler).

Import the MAT-file containing the data:

  1. On the Econometric Modeler tab, in the Import section, click Import > Import From MAT-file.

  2. In the Select a MAT-file window, browse to the C:\MyData folder. Select Data_Airline.mat, then click Open.

    The Select a MAT window shows Data_Airline.mat selected and the pointer hovering above the highlighted Open button at the bottom right of the window.

  3. In the Import Data dialog box, in the Import? column, select the check box for the DataTimeTable variable.

    Import Data window shows the DateTimeTable variable with 144 by 1 timetable value selected. The Import button at the bottom right corner of the window is indicated with a red box, to show its location.

  4. Click Import.

The variable PSSG appears in the Time Series pane, and its time series plot appears in the Time Series Plot(PSSG) figure window.

See Also



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