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Custom Software for Target Hardware

Create software for the deployment of MATLAB® and Simulink® designs to hardware platforms

Create software that enables or supports the deployment of MATLAB and Simulink designs to hardware platforms. Gain an understanding of folder and file conventions, software components, and information-passing in the build process.

You can:

  • Register custom toolchains for the build process.

  • Customize XCP server software for target hardware.

  • Create a target hardware application that checks the validity of code generation assumptions.

Using the Target Framework, you can:

  • Extend the range of supported hardware.

  • Provide connectivity between Simulink and your target hardware for external mode and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations.

To meet development goals and control code generation, you can customize system target files.


targetManage target hardware and build tool information


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target.APIDescribe API details (Since R2020b)
target.APIImplementationDescribe API implementation details (Since R2020b)
target.BoardProvide hardware board details (Since R2020b)
target.BuildDependenciesDescribe C and C++ build dependencies to associate with target hardware (Since R2020b)
target.CommandCapture system command for execution on MATLAB computer (Since R2020b)
target.CommunicationInterfaceDescribe data I/O details for target hardware (Since R2020b)
target.CommunicationProtocolStackDescribe communication protocol parameters (Since R2020b)
target.EmulatorProvide target emulator details (Since R2023b)
target.LanguageImplementationProvide C and C++ compiler implementation details
target.ObjectBase class for target types
target.ProcessorProvide target processor information
target.CommunicationChannelDescribe communication channel properties (Since R2020b)
target.RS232ChannelDescribe serial communication channel (Since R2020b)
target.TCPChannelDescribe TCP communication properties (Since R2020b)
target.ExternalModeRepresent external mode protocol stack (Since R2021a)
target.ExternalModeConnectivityBase class for external mode connectivity options (Since R2021a)
target.TargetConnectionProvide details about connecting MATLAB computer to target hardware (Since R2020b)
target.XCPDescribe XCP protocol stack for target hardware (Since R2021a)
target.XCPExternalModeConnectivityRepresent connectivity options in external mode protocol stack (Since R2021a)
target.XCPPlatformAbstractionSpecify XCP platform abstraction layer for target hardware (Since R2021a)
target.XCPSerialTransportRepresent XCP serial transport protocol layer (Since R2021a)
target.XCPTCPIPTransportRepresent XCP TCP/IP transport protocol layer (Since R2021a)
target.XCPTransportBase class for XCP transport protocol layer (Since R2021a)


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slConfigUIGetValReturn current value for any model configuration parameter
slConfigUISetEnabledEnable or disable any model configuration parameter
slConfigUISetValSet value for any model configuration parameter
extmodeBackgroundRunPerform external mode background activity
extmodeEventExternal mode event trigger
extmodeGetFinalSimulationTimeGet final simulation time for external mode platform abstraction layer
extmodeInitInitialize external mode target connectivity
extmodeParseArgsExtract values of configuration parameters supported by external mode abstraction layer
extmodeResetReset external mode target connectivity
extmodeSetFinalSimulationTimeSet final simulation time in external mode platform abstraction layer
extmodeSimulationCompleteCheck that external mode simulation is complete
extmodeStopRequestedCheck whether request to stop external mode simulation is received from model
extmodeWaitForHostRequestWait for request from development computer to start or stop external mode simulation


Custom Target Hardware Support

Develop Support by Using Target Framework

Develop Support by Using System Target Files