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Digital to Analog Converter

Configures the DAC to generate an analog voltage on the specified DAC channel

Since R2023a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors add-on.

  • Digital to Analog Converter block

Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32F2xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32F3xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32F4xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32F7xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32G4xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32H7xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32L4xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32L5xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32U5xx Based Boards


The Digital to Analog Converter block converts digital value to equivalent analog voltage on a corresponding channel of the module.

For STM32xx based board, the input channels for the DAC block can be configured in STM32CubeMX project.


DMA functionality is not supported in the DAC.



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The port accepts the input range of :

  • 0-4095 - 12-bit data length and right alignment of data.

  • 0-65520 - 12-bit data length and left alignment of data

  • 0-255 - 8-bit data length

Selecting dual channel enables 2 dInCh# input ports.


To enable this port, set the Mode to Write only or Write and trigger parameter.

Data Types: uint8 | uint16

This port sets the offset value for the DAC channel.


To enable this port, set the Mode to Trigger only and set the Waveform type to Noise/Triangular.

Data Types: uint16

This port sets the step value for sawtooth waveform in 12.4 bit format.


To enable this port, set the Mode to Trigger only and set the Waveform type to Sawtooth.

Data Types: uint16

Triggers conversion on the specified channel.

Selecting dual channel enables 2 trigInCh# input ports.


To enable this port, set the Mode to Write and trigger or Trigger only parameter.

Data Types: Boolean

This port triggers the change of DAC output by a value specified in the step data.

Selecting dual channel enables 2 stepTrigInCh# input ports.


To enable this port, select Enable software step trigger (Trigger 2) parameter. Ensure to set the Mode to Trigger only parameter and set Waveform type to sawtooth.

Data Types: Boolean

This port resets the DAC value to the value specified in the STM32 CubeMX project.

Selecting dual channel enables 2 rstTrigInCh# input ports.


To enable this port, select Enable software reset trigger (Trigger 1) parameter. Ensure to set the Mode to Trigger only parameter and set Waveform type to sawtooth.

Data Types: Boolean

This port allows the user to enable and disable the DAC in runtime.


To enable this port, select the Control input for DAC enable parameter.

Data Types: Boolean


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With the DAC block, the DAC module can now be disabled after it has been enabled. Additionally, the status output now has three states indicating the following:

  • 0 - the DAC has been enabled and is operating as expected

  • 1 - the DAC has been disabled successfully

  • 2 - an error occurred during command execution


To enable this port, select the Output status parameter.

Data Types: uint8


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Select an digital analog converter module for conversion.

Select the mode of conversion.

  • Write only

    Write only option enables user to write the data on to the data holding register of DAC.

    • Convert data to analog value without any involvement of trigger. This requires trigger source to be None.

    • Write the digital value to a channel that is triggered by an internal trigger source. This requires the trig source to be one of the timer based trig sources available in the STM32 CubeMX project.

    This option also enables the input port dIn.

  • Write and trigger — Write and trigger enables user to write data to DHR of DAC and control the point of conversion. This requires the trigger source to be set to software.

    This option enables the input port TrigIn and dIn.

  • Trigger only — Select this option when you want to trigger the conversion.

    • when the data is written by some internal mechanism to DHR and user need to control the point of triggering.

    • For wave generation

    This option enables the input port Stepdata

Select an digital analog converter module channel on which the conversion should be performed. Select the dual channel option to control both the channels of a module together.

Selecting dual channel enables 2 dIn/dInCh# input ports.

Trigger configuration specifies if both the channels need to be triggered either simultaneously or independently.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Write and trigger or Trigger only and Channel select as Dual channel.

Select to enable the waveform generation on the selected channel. If waveform generation enable parameter is not selected and software trigger is not enabled, then dacEnable port would be a default port.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Trigger only.

Select the waveform type to be generated on the DAC channel.

  • Selecting Noise/Triangular waveform type, enables baseValue as default port.

  • Selecting sawtooth waveform type, enables stepData as default port.

Select dual channel for independent or simultaneous conversion.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Trigger only.

Select to trigger the DAC conversion via software trigger. When you select this parameter, the block configures an input port, TrigIn/TriInCh#.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Trigger only and Waveform type as Noise/Triangular.

Triggers the conversion on DAC channel with a value specified in step data when sawtooth waveform is selected.

When you select this parameter, the block configures an input port, stepTrigIn/stepTrigInCh#.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Trigger only and Waveform type as Sawtooth.

Select to enable software reset trigger the digital analog converter module. When you select this parameter, the block configures an input port, rstTrigIn/rstTrigInCh#.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Trigger only and Waveform type as Sawtooth.

Select the data length of digital analog converter module.


To enable this parameter, set Mode as Write only or Write and Trigger.

Select the data alignment of digital analog converter module. For 8 bit data length, the right alignment is the default option.

If data length and alignment is selected as :

  • 12-bit and right alignment, input range is 0-4095

  • 12-bit and left alignment, input range is 0-65520

  • 8-bit, input range is 0-255


To enable this parameter, set the Mode as Write only or Write and Trigger.

When you select the Output Status parameter, the block configures an output port, Status. The port outputs the status message.

When you select the Control input for DAC enable parameter, the block configures an output port, dacEnable.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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