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Multicore Simulation and Optimized Code Generation Using Infineon AURIX

Design, simulate and generate code for multicore models of Infineon® AURIX™ TC4x microcontrollers

The Infineon AURIX TC4x microcontrollers contain six homogenous TriCore® CPUs (TriCore 0 to TriCore 5) and a heterogeneous parallel processing unit (PPU). You can run different models on the available cores or you can partition complex models to run concurrently on these multiple cores to achieve design modularity. The Interprocess Data Channel block handles communication between the multiple cores. After simulating the multicore model, you can deploy the generated code on an Infineon AURIX TC4x hardware board using the SoC Builder tool and monitor the signals from the hardware using the One Eye tool from Infineon.

The PPU performs computations faster than the TriCores. The PPU core accelerates the performance of the model by using the code replacement libraries to replace parts of generated code with hardware-specific code. The TriCore 0 core is the principal core and it can communicate with all the remaining auxiliary cores (TriCore 1 to TriCore 5 and PPU).

After you create an SoC model by using the multiple cores of Infineon AURIX microcontroller, use the SoC Builder tool to generate executables, code, and program the hardware board. See Getting Started with Multicore Modeling and Targeting for Infineon AURIX TC4x Microcontrollers example to understand how to validate, build, and run a multicore model to generate executables, code, and program the Infineon AURIX TC4x hardware board.


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ADC InterfaceConvert analog signal on ADC input pin to digital signal (Since R2020b)
PWM InterfaceSimulate pulse width modulation (PWM) output from hardware (Since R2020b)
Digital IO InterfaceSimulate digital input and output pins on processor (Since R2021b)
Interprocess Data ReadReceive messages from another processor using interprocess communication channel (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data WriteSend messages to another processor using interprocessor data write (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data ChannelModel interprocessor data channel between two processors (Since R2020b)
Task ManagerCreate and manage task executions in Simulink model
Event SourceSimulate and playback recorded task events (Since R2020b)


SoC BuilderBuild, load, and execute multicore application models on Infineon AURIX TC4x hardware boards (Since R2024b)
Hardware MappingMap tasks and peripherals in a model to hardware board configurations (Since R2022b)


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