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dlhdl.Target Class

Namespace: dlhdl

Configure interface to target board for workflow deployment

Since R2020b


Use the dlhdl.Target object to create the interface to deploy the dlhdl.Workflow object to your target hardware.


hTarget = dlhdl.Target(Vendor) creates a target object that you pass on to dlhdl.Workflow to deploy your deep learning network to your target device.

hTarget = dlhdl.Target(Vendor,Name,Value) creates a target object that you pass on to dlhdl.Workflow, with additional properties specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments

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Target device vendor name, specified as a character vector or string. You must specify either "Xilinx" or "Intel" as the vendor argument.

Example: "Xilinx"


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Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Name of the interface specified as a character vector.

Example: Interface="JTAG" creates a target configuration object with 'JTAG' as the interface to the target device.

IP address for the target device with the Ethernet interface specified as a character vector.

Example: IPAddress="" creates a target configuration object with as the target device IP address.

SSH user name specified as a character vector.

Example: Username="root" creates a target configuration object with "root" as the SSH user name.

Password of the root user specified as a character vector. Use "root" on the Xilinx® SoC boards and "cyclonevsoc" on the Intel® SoC boards.

Example: Password="root" creates a target configuration object with 'root' as the SSH password for Xilinx SoC boards.

Example: Password="cyclonevsoc" creates a target configuration object with 'cyclonevsoc' as the SSH password for Intel SoC boards.

Name of the deployment file specified as a string or character vector. When you do not specify the file name, the name of the bitstream is the file name.

Example: Filename='zcu102socinit" creates a 'zcu102soc_init.dln' file.

Starting position for JTAG chain, specified as a positive integer.

Example: JTAGChainPosition = 1

Data Types: double


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Create Target Object That Has a JTAG interface

hTarget = dlhdl.Target("Xilinx",Interface="JTAG")
hTarget = 

  Target with properties:

       Vendor: 'Xilinx'
    Interface: JTAG

Create Target Object That Has an Ethernet Interface and Set IP Address

hTarget = dlhdl.Target("Xilinx",Interface="Ethernet",IPAddress="")
hTarget = 

  Target with properties:

       Vendor: 'Xilinx'
    Interface: Ethernet
    IPAddress: ''
     Username: 'root'
         Port: 22

Create Target Object That has a File Interface

hTarget = dlhdl.Target("Xilinx",Interface = "File", Filename = "zcu102socinit")
hTarget = 

  TargetFile with properties:

      Interface: File
           Path: './'
     FileHandle: -1
             CR: '←↵'
       Filename: 'zcu102socinit'
    IsConnected: 0
          hConn: []
         Vendor: 'Xilinx'

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

See Also



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