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I/Q Compensator Coefficient to Imbalance

Convert compensator coefficient into amplitude and phase imbalance


RF Impairments Correction

  • I/Q Compensator Coefficient to Imbalance block


The I/Q Compensator Coefficient to Imbalance block converts a compensator coefficient into its equivalent amplitude and phase imbalance.

This block has a single input port, which accepts a complex coefficient or a vector of coefficients. There are amplitude and phase imbalance output ports both of which are real. The amplitude imbalance is expressed in dB while the phase imbalance is expressed in degrees.


See the iqcoef2imbal function reference page for more information on the inputs, outputs, and algorithms.

Supported Data Types

PortSupported Data Types
Compensator Coefficient
  • Double-precision, complex floating point

  • Single-precision, complex floating point

Amplitude Imbalance (dB)
  • Double-precision floating point

  • Single-precision floating point

Phase Imbalance (deg)
  • Double-precision floating point

  • Single-precision floating point

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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