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Integrate and dump


y = intdump(x,nsamp)


y = intdump(x,nsamp) integrates the signal x for one symbol period, then outputs the averaged one value into Y. nsamp is the number of samples per symbol. For two-dimensional signals, the function treats each column as one channel.


To see this function in conjunction with modulation, see Modulation with Pulse Shaping and Filtering Examples.

Processes two independent channels, each of which contain three symbols of data made up of four samples.

s = rng;
nsamp = 4; % Number of samples per symbol
ch1 = randi([0 1],3*nsamp,1); % Random binary channel
ch2 = rectpulse([1 2 3]',nsamp); % Rectangular pulses
x = [ch1 ch2]; % Two-channel signal
y = intdump(x,nsamp)

The output is below. Each column corresponds to one channel, and each row corresponds to one symbol.

y =

    0.5000    1.0000
    0.5000    2.0000
    1.0000    3.0000

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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