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Get link options from build information



options = getLinkFlags(buildinfo,includeGroups,excludeGroups) returns linker options from the build information.

The function requires the buildinfo argument. You can use optional includeGroups and excludeGroups arguments. These optional arguments let you include or exclude groups selectively from the compiler options returned by the function.

If you choose to specify excludeGroups and omit includeGroups, specify a null character vector ('') for includeGroups.


collapse all

Get the linker options from the build information, myBuildInfo.

myBuildInfo = RTW.BuildInfo;
addLinkFlags(myBuildInfo,{'-MD -Gy' '-T'},'OPTS');
linkflags = getLinkFlags(myBuildInfo);
>> linkflags

linkflags = 

    '-MD -Gy'    '-T'

Get the linker options with the group name Debug from the build information, myBuildInfo.

myBuildInfo = RTW.BuildInfo;
addLinkFlags(myBuildInfo,{'-MD -Gy' '-T'}, ...
   {'Debug' 'MemOpt'});
linkflags = getLinkFlags(myBuildInfo,{'Debug'});
>> linkflags

linkflags = 

    '-MD -Gy'

Get the linker options from the build information myBuildInfo, except those options with the group name Debug.

myBuildInfo = RTW.BuildInfo;
addLinkFlags(myBuildInfo,{'-MD -Gy' '-T'}, ...
   {'Debug' 'MemOpt'});
linkflags = getLinkFlags(myBuildInfo,'',{'Debug'});
>> linkflags

linkflags = 


Input Arguments

collapse all

RTW.BuildInfo object that contains information for compiling and linking generated code.

To use the includeGroups argument, view available groups by using myGroups = getGroups(buildInfo).

Example: ''

To use the excludeGroups argument, view available groups by using myGroups = getGroups(buildInfo).

Example: ''

Output Arguments

collapse all

Linker options from the build information.

Version History

Introduced in R2006a