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Run-time Checks Details Ordered by Color/File

Create overrides for global filters in Polyspace reports (Code Prover only)


This component adds detailed information about the run-time checks to your report. This component can also be used to override global filters in specific chapters of your report. Use the following workflow when using filters in your report:

  1. To create filters that apply to all chapters of your report, use the Report Customization (Filtering) component. For more information, see Report Customization (Filtering).

  2. To override some of the filters in individual chapters, use the Run-time Checks Details Ordered by Color/File component. Select the Override Global Report filter box.


Categories To Include

The properties in table below apply to the inclusion of Polyspace® Code Prover™ checks in your report.

Red ChecksSpecify whether to include red checks in your report. Red checks indicate proven run-time errors.
Gray ChecksSpecify whether to include gray checks in your report. Gray checks indicate unreachable code.
Orange ChecksSpecify whether to include orange checks in your report. Orange checks indicate possible run-time errors.
Green ChecksSpecify whether to include green checks in your report. Green checks indicate that an operation does not contain a specific run-time error.
Inspection Point ChecksSpecify whether to include inspection point checks in your report. These checks allow an user to find the values that a variable can take at a certain point in the code.
Unreachable FunctionsSpecify whether to include unreachable functions in your report.

Advanced Filters

The properties in table below apply to the inclusion of metrics, coding rule violations and Polyspace Code Prover checks in your report.

PropertyPurposeUser Action
Justification statusChoose whether to report only justified checks, only unjustified checks or all checks.Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Files to includeSpecify files to include or exclude from your report.Enter a regular MATLAB® expression.
Check types to includeSpecify Polyspace Code Prover checks to include in your report.Enter a regular MATLAB expression.
Function names to includeSpecify functions to include or exclude from your report.Enter a regular MATLAB expression.
Classification types to includeSpecify classifications to include or exclude from your report.Enter a regular MATLAB expression.
Status types to includeSpecify statuses to include or exclude from your report.Enter a regular MATLAB expression.
Comments to includeSpecify comments to include or exclude from your report.Enter a regular MATLAB expression.
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