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Call Hierarchy

Create table showing call graph in source code


This component creates a table showing the call hierarchy in your source code. For each function call in your source code, the table displays the following information:

  • Level of call hierarchy, where the function is called.

    Each level is denoted by |. If a function call appears in the table as |||-> file_name.function_name, the function call occurs at the third level of the hierarchy. Beginning from main or an entry point, there are three function calls leading to the current call.

  • File containing the function call.

    In Code Prover, the line and column is also displayed.

  • File containing the function definition.

    In Code Prover, the line and column where the function definition begins is also displayed.

In addition, the table also displays uncalled functions.

This table captures the information available on the Call Hierarchy pane in the Polyspace® user interface.

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