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Linearize airframe model around operating points

This function is not recommended. Use linearizeAirframe instead.



linearizeLongitudinalAirframe(modelToAnalyze) linearizes an airframe model around a specified operating point or operating point specification object and generates an output state-space model that contains only longitudinal states. A Linearize Airframe dialog window prompts you to select an operating point or operating point specification object from the base workspace. If an operating point or operating point specification object does not exist in the base workspace, click the Launch Trim Tool button in the Trim Airframe dialog window. This button starts the Simulink® Control Design™ Model Linearizer in which you can create the operating point specification object. From this object, the linearizeLongitudinalAirframe function creates the operating point.

linearizeLongitudinalAirframe(modelToAnalyze,opPoint) linearizes an airframe model around the specified operating point object or operating point specification object.

linearizeLongitudinalAirframe(modelToAnalyze,opPoint,generatePlots) displays bode and step plot results of longitudinal linearization.


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Linearize the model SkyHoggAnalysisModel and specify an operating point, opTrim. This example starts the flight control analysis template using asbFlightControlAnalysis and trims the model around the opSpecDefault operating point specification object. It then linearizes the airframe model around the opTrim operating point and calculates the short- and long-period (phugoid) mode characteristics of linSys.

asbFlightControlAnalysis('3DOF', 'SkyHoggAnalysisModel');
opSpecDefault = SkyHogg3DOFOpSpec('SkyHoggAnalysisModel');
opTrim = trimAirframe('SkyHoggAnalysisModel', opSpecDefault);
linSys = linearizeLongitudinalAirframe('SkyHoggAnalysisModel', opTrim)
flyingQual = computeLongitudinalFlyingQualities('SkyHoggAnalysisModel', linSys)

Input Arguments

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Model on which to perform flight control analysis using the linear state-space model linSys. This model must be previously created with the asbFlightControlAnalysis function.

Data Types: char | string

Linear state-space model used to perform flight control analysis on modelToAnalyze.

Data Types: char | string

Display pole-zero map for the linear system state-space model.

Data Types: char | string


This function requires the Simulink Control Design license.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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