Earth Orientation Parameters
Calculate Earth orientation parameters (EOP)
Aerospace Blockset /
Environment /
Celestial Phenomena
The Earth Orientation Parameters block calculates these parameters:
Difference between the UTC and Universal Time (UT1)
Movement of the rotation axis with respect to the crust of the Earth
Adjustment to the location of the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP)
By default, this block uses a prepopulated list of International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) data. This list contains measured and calculated (predicted) data supplied by the IERS. The IERS measures and calculates this data for a set of predetermined dates. For dates after those listed in the prepopulated list, Earth Orientation Parameters calculates the ΔUT1 using this equation, limiting the values to +/- 0.9 s:
Use this block when your application uses Earth Centered Inertial to Earth Centered Earth Fixed transformations, such as for high altitude applications.