답변 있음
Extract specific row from an image and average with a variable number of adjacent rows
Certainly it can be done much easier. Instead of this yth_row=(img(xcol,:)+img(xcol-1,:)+img(xcol+1,:)+img(xcol-2,:)+img(xcol+...

4년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
how to trace black and white region separately in an binary image
generate 2 images, one at which you threshold for bright values, and one for which you threshold for dark values. Once you have ...

4년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to detect start points and end points of plateaus in graph plotted from a data set?
There are some uncertainties in your problem: How noisy is the data? Is there variation of intensity within the plateau? Do ...

4년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
video convert to PNG but black and white
It may be an issue with data types like double, uint8, etc. Instead of imshow try imagesc and also try imshow(A/max(A(:))); ...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
The problem you are facing is that your calculations are generating NaNs: >> zt zt = Columns 1 through 3 NaN...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Segmentation shoulder X-ray image
Ok, here is the solution, following the ideas I had previously described. I downloaded your edges so it may not be exaclty the s...

4년 초과 전 | 1

답변 있음
Counting wheat plants in a photo
It is not clear what you have already done to reach the b/w images, what I would do as first steps would be 1) exploit the fact...

4년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
calculate volume under of 3D isosurface plot
What isosurface and isovalue are doing are generating a surface around those points that are above a certain value. All code you...

4년 초과 전 | 1

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답변 있음
Segmentation shoulder X-ray image
Ok, this is a good start, try the following, assuming that your image is a b = edge(a,'Canny',[],3); So what you showed wa...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Empty variables and vectors
I think we need a bit more information to fully understand each other, but let's see if this helps you have three variables a,b...

4년 초과 전 | 0

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FFT of sine wave not plotting
In addition to the previous comment 2 issues: 1) FFT will give a complex answer so you will need to plot the absolute values ...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Segmentation shoulder X-ray image
Not trivial as the intensity is high on the top and right side of the image. Otherwise a thresholding after low pass filtering c...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
how to get lowest row number in matrix?
use min https://uk.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/min.html

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Empty variables and vectors
yes, it is easy declare the variables as empty: a =[]; b=[]; c = []; then run the rest of the code and when you reach you...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Get the first file in each folder
Use the command "dir" and do it in loops: dir0 = dir('firstFolder'); numEntries = size(dir0,1) Then loop: for k=1:numE...

4년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Close all figures which are not docked
When figures are docked, the position always start in the origin (i.e. 1,1), you could detect this location by using gcf like th...

4년 초과 전 | 1

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답변 있음
Plot a series of boxplots from one column of a series of cells in a cell array
Did the previous method help you resolve your question?

4년 초과 전 | 0


Remove line artefacts sometimes present in microscopical images

4년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |



Processing, Analysis and Visualisation of Phonetics and Electropalatography

4년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 2 |



Data Mining and Visualisation of PubMed
Visualisation and data mining of the public database of biomedical literature PubMed

4년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |


답변 있음
Plot a series of boxplots from one column of a series of cells in a cell array
I think that the problem is that you are using CELL, instead of a simple matrix. See my example: C =[]; for k=1:120 C1 = k*...

거의 5년 전 | 1

답변 있음
how to compare ground truth image with segmented image?
Jaccard index is the intersection (BW.*BW2) over the union (BW|BW2) or ((BW+BW2)>0), so you can calculate directly like this ...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Tumor Segmentation using FCM in Matlab code
The tumour is way brighter than the rest of the brain, I would think that simple thresholding (image>threshold) provides a good ...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Plot a series of boxplots from one column of a series of cells in a cell array
Hi What I would do would be to loop over your cell, read the values that you want to display (second column right?) and place...

거의 5년 전 | 0


Matlab: Convert a normal image (or internet image) into Lego-style, similar to https://github.com/JuanPotato/Legofy

거의 5년 전 | 다운로드 수: 3 |


답변 있음
I have a segmented image.. Now i need to find the smallest area from the image using the pixels values. How to do this in Matlab? Thank you in advanced...
to find the values of your pixels, add the colorbar to your figure and you can find out. Alternatively you can use this uniqu...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
I have a segmented image.. Now i need to find the smallest area from the image using the pixels values. How to do this in Matlab? Thank you in advanced...
Hello If the areas are defined by the pixel values then you can discard all other pixels by comparing against the value of in...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Making subplots by reading many files in Matlab
Ok in that case you will have something like >> for k=1:9 name = strcat('Number_00',num2str(k)) end name = 'Number_...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to extract the main square, image window of the ultrasound image?
Ok, the issue here is the colour maps and the conversion of uint8 to double. If you convert to double the colours are always bet...

거의 5년 전 | 1

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답변 있음
How to extract the main square, image window of the ultrasound image?
*IF* all the images look like this, it is rather easy, EXCEPT for the fact that the bottom edge of the ultrasound is not very...

거의 5년 전 | 0

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