답변 있음
Making subplots by reading many files in Matlab
Perhaps it is not working because other problems: subtitle('%%%%%%%'N1') The title of a subplot is still title and the ...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to extract the main square, image window of the ultrasound image?
Hard to answer without knowing your data. Post a sample and we can try.

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to measure distance between objects in a photo which should be detected?
OK, before measuring the distances, you need to distinguish properly each of the objects of interest. If the images are going to...

거의 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
3d skeleton branchpoints
I would suggest that you do a maximum intensity projection into 2D, i.e. data_2D = max(data_3D, [ ] ,3); and then check th...

대략 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I extract a distribution from a 2d histogram?
The concept is the same even if it is not a probability distribution, you only need to sum along one of the dimensions and the v...

대략 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to Detect edges in very high res pictures?
The essence of Canny is that it has an in-built filter, you should not use filters before Canny, only control the standard devia...

대략 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
3d skeleton branchpoints
Something does not look right. Specifically, the skeleton should be a line, and you do not seem to have any lines, just disconne...

대략 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I extract a distribution from a 2d histogram?
It is rather simple, X,Y have positions, so that does not count, it is Z the one that contains the information. To obtain a marg...

대략 5년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Texture Feature Extraction using GLCM
Dear Sai Priya I am not sure of which software you are referring to, if it is the one on fileexchange: https://uk.mathworks....

5년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Where have the Command Shortcuts gone in R2018a?
Thanks, this brings them up, I think that when they were shortcuts was better, but this is a good improvement.

5년 초과 전 | 1


Remove shading (or the un-even intensity background) of images

대략 6년 전 | 다운로드 수: 7 |



Tab for Favorites as we had with shortcuts?
I know that shortcuts have been now packaged as favorites (they worked just fine as they were...). Is there a way to have all th...

대략 6년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 2



답변 있음
How to Select ROI based on this algorithm. OR how can i segment only the bone part from these images.
Ok, good that you have sorted the problem.

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to Select ROI based on this algorithm. OR how can i segment only the bone part from these images.
A problem, I do not have labeledImage biggestBlob = ismember(labeledImage, sortIndexes(1:numberToExtract)); Undefined fu...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Change marker color and size to non default color
When you plot, the color code 'b-o' is a shortcut to indicate colour (b), linestyle (-) and marker (o), in your case you are usi...

대략 6년 전 | 2

| 수락됨

답변 있음
how to solve the error 'undefined function "branchpoints" in matlab'
It works well with my Matlab, which version are you using? On the command line type "ver".

대략 6년 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
Error using xlswrite (line 165) Dimension of input array cannot be higher than two.
I had a similar problem recently, I think (without knowing what your variables are) is that xlswrite can only handle matrices an...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to Select ROI based on this algorithm. OR how can i segment only the bone part from these images.
In order to be able to help, we would need to run the code and find the error, and that is not possible without the image I=...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
For Medical Image Segmentation which technique is best?
I did my PhD on segmentation of the knee joint and used *multiresolution texture*. However, this will depend on YOUR data, I use...

대략 6년 전 | 1

| 수락됨

답변 있음
Texture Feature Extraction using GLCM
Hello Well you need to know what you are looking for, and it is not possible to do that without knowing your data. You want t...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
feature extraction using texture
Feature Selection is the selection of the most discriminating dimensions of your data, this is not unique of texture, which is w...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
how can i get the cumsum of a 3D matrix.
To be able to properly help you, the problem needs to be well defined. As context, what you obtain with cumsum is an accummulati...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Error starting desktop after installing matlab 2017a
Impossible to solve without the error code. One guess is that some paths were modified between versions of Matlab.

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
how to plot both axis (X and Y axis) as log scale using code ?
There are two easy ways to do this. First you can pass the values, but instead of directly the values pass their log, i.e. ...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to set the aspect ratio of 2 axis only without giving a value to the 3rd axis
Your easiest option is using the handles: hPlot = plot3(x,y,z); if you then look at the properties of hPlot, you will fin...

대략 6년 전 | 0


Visualization and analysis of an Electrocardiogram Signal
Live Script shows how to find data peaks from EKG, how to refine peaks from data, and infer heart rate from peaks of Electrocard...

대략 6년 전 | 다운로드 수: 17 |


답변 있음
Why frequency domain signal is not reconstructed using ifft followed by fft?
The issue here is that when you apply the Fourier Transform you will have a real and an imaginary part (except in some special c...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Is it possible to project vector onto another vector that has different length ?
As mentioned previously, we would need a bit more context to be able to provide more guidance. I guess that what you want to do ...

대략 6년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Where have the Command Shortcuts gone in R2018a?
I have now seen the shortcuts appear in the main tab as favorites, but I really liked to have my tab with shortcuts open and use...

대략 6년 전 | 4

답변 있음
How to change figure size?
First, there seems to be some confusion as to what your refer by size, which can be a) on the screen or b) printed or c) in pixe...

대략 6년 전 | 9

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