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Class: slreq.Requirement
Namespace: slreq

Justify requirements for implementation


implementationJustLink = justifyImplementation(req, jt)


implementationJustLink = justifyImplementation(req, jt) justifies the requirement req for implementation by creating a link implementationJustLink from the justification jt to req.

Input Arguments

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Requirement to justify for implementation, specified as an slreq.Requirement object.

Justification object to justify req for implementation, specified as an slreq.Justification object.

Output Arguments

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Link to justification object jt of type Implement, returned as an slreq.Link object.


% Justify requirement myReq for implementation by using a justification object myJust

myImplJustification = justifyImplementation(myReq, myJust)

myImplJustification = 

  Link with properties:

           Type: 'Implement'
    Description: 'Cruise Control Mode (crs_req_func_spec#1)'
       Keywords: [0×0 char]
      Rationale: ''
      CreatedOn: 13-Jan-2017 13:45:12
      CreatedBy: 'John Doe'
     ModifiedOn: 24-Oct-2018 12:25:30
     ModifiedBy: 'Jane Doe'
       Revision: 6
       Comments: [0×0 struct]

Version History

Introduced in R2018b