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8x8 RGB LED Matrix

Control pixel(s) color of 8x8 RGB LED Matrix

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware add-on.

  • 8x8 RGB LED Matrix block

Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware / Sense HAT


Control the pixel(s) color of the 8x8 RGB LED matrix. You can use the block either in ‘Write Pixel’ mode or the ‘Display Image’ mode.

Write Pixel Mode

To set a pixel to a specified RGB value at a location, set the block to ‘Write Pixel’ mode. Provide the RGB value and the location in terms of row and the column for each pixel.

An example of how the ‘Write Pixel’ mode works for this block is shown in the table below.

Location [row,column]RGB [red,green,blue]Output
[1,1] —> single pixel location[255,0,0] —> single pixel colorPixel at [1,1] is set to Red
[1,1;1,2;1,3] —> 3 pixels (multiple pixel locations)[255,0,0] —> single color for all the pixelsPixels at [1,1], [1,2] and [1,3] are set to Red
[1,1;1,2;1,3] —> 3 pixels (multiple pixel locations)[255,0,0; 255,255,255; 0,0,255] —> 3 colors (multiple colors)Pixel at 1,1 to Red
Pixel at 1,2 to White
Pixel at 1,3 to Blue


While setting multiple colors, if the number of colors is not equal to the number of pixels, then the first color that you provide is set to all the pixels.

Display Image Mode

To display an image on the LED matrix, set the block to ‘Display Image’ mode.

By setting the Input Image source parameter to One multidimensional signal, you can provide the image to be displayed as a [8x8x3] signal to the ‘Image’ input port.

Input image as a single [8x8x3] multidimensional signal

By setting the Input Image source parameter to Separate color signals, you can provide the image to be displayed as three [8x8] separate color signals to the ‘R’, ‘G’, and ‘B’ input ports.

Input image as 3 separate [8x8] signals

You can rotate the image displayed on the LED matrix by specifying the Orientation. The image can be oriented at 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. You can orientate the image. For any other value you give to the image orientation, the block defaults the image orientation to 0 degree.

By setting the Orientation source parameter to Block dialog, you can select orientation on the block mask in the Orientation parameter.

Setting the Orientation source parameter to Input port grows an additional input port ‘Orient’. You can provide the desired orientation to this port. If the value of this signal is other than 0,90,180, or 270, the orientation value defaults to 0.

Image orientation on LED Matrix



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In Write Pixel mode, provide the location value for row and column for each pixel in the range 1 to 8.

Data Types: uint8

In Write Pixel mode, provide a [Nx3] matrix of values for R, G, and B in the range 0 to 255.

Data Types: uint8

In Display Image mode, provide an [8x8x3] image signal when you set the Input Image source to One multidimensional signal.

Data Types: uint8

In Display Image mode, provide three [8x8] image color signals when you set the Input Image source to Separate color signals.

Data Types: uint8

In Display Image mode, provide the image orientation in degrees when you set the Orientation source as Input port.

Data Types: uint8


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Click this button to know the pixel location numbers on the RGB LED matrix.

The mode in which the block works either to write a pixel in a specific color at a specific location or display an input image.

Select the source of input image. You can provide an [8x8x3] one multidimensional signal or three [8x8] separate color signals.


This parameter is enabled only when you select Display Image option in Mode parameter.

Select the source of image orientation. If you select Block dialog option, you should select a value in Orientation parameter. The image displayed on the LED matrix is set to the orientation that you specify in this parameter. If you select Input port option, the block takes the image orientation value from the Orient input port.


This parameter is enabled only when you select Display Image option in Mode parameter.

Select the image orientation value from the list of values.


This parameter is enabled only when you select Display Image value in Mode parameter and Block dialog value in Orientation Source parameter.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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