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Fortran 데이터 유효성 검사하기

배열 데이터의 유형 또는 특성 확인

이러한 함수를 사용하여 입력 인수의 유효성을 검사합니다.

Fortran 함수

모두 확장

mxIsDoubleDetermine whether mxArray represents data as double-precision, floating-point numbers
mxIsSingleDetermine whether mxArray represents data as single-precision, floating-point numbers
mxIsComplexDetermine whether data is complex
mxIsNumericDetermine whether mxArray is numeric
mxIsInt64Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 64-bit integers
mxIsUint64Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 64-bit integers
mxIsInt32Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 32-bit integers
mxIsUint32Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 32-bit integers
mxIsInt16Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 16-bit integers
mxIsUint16Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 16-bit integers
mxIsInt8Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 8-bit integers
mxIsUint8Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 8-bit integers
mxIsCharDetermine whether input is mxChar array
mxIsLogicalDetermine whether mxArray is of type mxLogical
mxIsSparseDetermine whether input is sparse mxArray
mxIsStructDetermine whether mxArray is structure
mxIsCellDetermine whether mxArray is cell array
mxIsClassDetermine whether mxArray is object of specified class
mxIsInfDetermine whether input is infinite
mxIsFiniteDetermine whether input is finite
mxIsNaNDetermine whether input is NaN (Not-a-Number)
mxIsEmptyDetermine whether mxArray is empty
mxIsFromGlobalWSDetermine whether mxArray was copied from MATLAB global workspace