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Check entity and architecture

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelChecker.runSplitEntityArchitectureChecks

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelAdvisor.runSplitEntityArchitectureChecks

Check whether the VHDL entity and architecture are described in the same file.

Available with Simulink® and HDL Coder™.


This check detects when you have the entity and architecture descriptions in separate files when you generate code with VHDL as the target language. The entity and architecture descriptions can be in separate files if you enable the SplitEntityArch setting. This check corresponds to rule 1.A.F.4 of the industry-standard rules.

Results and Recommended Actions

To fix this warning, click Modify Settings and the code generator disables the SplitEntityArch setting so that the entity and architecture descriptions are in the same file.

See Also

Rule 1.A.F.4 of Basic Coding Practices.