Simulation Data Inspector Replay
This video provides a demonstration of the replay feature in the Simulation Data Inspector.
When you replay data, a cursor sweeps synchronously across all the subplots in your view, displaying signal values. You can control the replay speed, pause to move the cursor sample by sample, and zoom to inspect your data. You can replay imported data and data logged from a simulation.
Published: 20 Mar 2019
After a simulation is complete, you can replay the simulation output along with other signals of interest in the Simulation Data Inspector.
To use this feature, first click the Show/hide replay controls button.
Then press the Replay button to replay the simulation output.
During the replay, synchronized cursors that show the current value of each signal are automatically added to each plot. (highlight during production)
By default, the cursors move at approximately 1 simulation second per real second. (highlight during production)
You can adjust this speed by either clicking the arrows next to the speed indicator
Or by clicking the speed indicator and entering an exact value.
You can also step forward or backward through the replay one sample at a time using the arrows next to the replay button.