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Cut an orange
Inspired by problem <http://www.mathworks.co.uk/matlabcentral/cody/problems/2175 2175>. A hungry matlab enthusiast has an ora...

4년 초과 전

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Distance between two GPS Coordinates
A problem that arises when performing geographically weighted regression is determining the distance between GPS coordinates. GI...

4년 초과 전

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rectangle in circle
In the figure below, the rectangle at the corner measures a cm x b cm. What is the radius of the circle in cm? <<http://www....

4년 초과 전

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Wayfinding 3 - passed areas
This is the third part of a series of assignments about wayfinding. The final goal of this series is to be able to calculate the...

4년 초과 전

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Wayfinding 2 - traversing
This is the second part of a series of assignments about wayfinding. The final goal is to be able to calculate the fastest route...

4년 초과 전

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Wayfinding 1 - crossing
This is the first part of a series of assignments about wayfinding. The final goal is to be able to calculate the fastest route ...

4년 초과 전

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Basic electricity in a dry situation
&#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#...

4년 초과 전

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A Simple Tide Gauge with MATLAB
*&#8767 &#8767 &#8767 &#8767 &#8767 &#8767 &#8767 &#8767* You are standing in a few inches of sea water on a beach. You a...

4년 초과 전

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distance to a straight line (2D) given any 2 distinct points on this straight line
Given 2 points P1,P2 on a straight line and a 3rd point, determine the distance of the 3rd point to the straight line. Your answ...

4년 초과 전

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given 3 sides, find area of this triangle
1:3 -> 0; 3:5 -> 6

4년 초과 전

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Sort numbers by outside digits
Sort the array so that they are sorted as if their value was a 5 digit number made from the first three and last two digits of t...

4년 초과 전

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Successive zeros(harder)
The problem is from Problem 45436, <https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/cody/problems/45436-successive-zeros> suppose n is...

4년 초과 전

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Poker Series 11: selectBestHand
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

4년 초과 전

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Poker Series 10: bestHand
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

4년 초과 전

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Poker Series 08: IsPair
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

4년 초과 전

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Math with Roman Numerals
Given a function R within (+,-,*,/) and two Roman numerals a & b, compute aRb in Roman numerals.

4년 초과 전

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Decode a simplified barcode
Given a bar code from this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/602-make-a-simplified-bar-code exercise>: Re...

4년 초과 전

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Make a simplified barcode
Given an integer to encode, make a barcode using the following encoding scheme: * The bar code is made from the binary versio...

4년 초과 전

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Convert Roman to Arabic Numerals
Based upon what I see on tv and at the movies, the use of Roman numerals indicates something is important or sophisticated (e.g....

4년 초과 전

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Prime Sum
What is the minimum value that can be written as sum of primes in n different ways? For example, 10 is the minimum value th...

4년 초과 전

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Split bread like the Pharaohs - Egyptian fractions and greedy algorithm
How would you split 5 loaves of bread among 8 people in all fairness? Get a hint from the Pharaohs. 5/8 = 4/8 + 1/8 , i.e. each ...

4년 초과 전

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Minimal Path - 01
Given a matrix, find the minimal path sum from the top left to the bottom right by only moving to the right and down. For exa...

4년 초과 전

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Reverse Calculator
Use this reverse calculator and give correct output Its simple, In my Reverse calculator if you press 0 it will be considered...

4년 초과 전

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Additive persistence
Inspired by Problem 2008 created by Ziko. In mathematics, the persistence of a number is the *number of times* one must apply...

4년 초과 전

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what can you get for exactly amount of money
You go to store, where each product has price. Prices are in vector s = [ 195 125 260 440 395 290] and you have amount ...

4년 초과 전

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Is this is a Tic Tac Toe X Win?
For the game of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe Tic Tac Toe> we will be storing the state of the game in a matrix M. ...

4년 초과 전

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How to subtract?
*&plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn* * Imagine you need to subtract one...

4년 초과 전

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Van Eck's Sequence's nth member
Return the Van Eck's Sequence's nth member. For detailed info : <http://oeis.org/A181391 OEIS link> and <https://www.theguard...

4년 초과 전

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Pernicious Anniversary Problem
Since Cody is 5 years old, it's pernicious. A <http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Pernicious_numbers Pernicious number> is an integer w...

4년 초과 전

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The glass half full
Identical glasses are placed in a triangular tower structure, such that the top level (L = 1) comprises one glass, the next leve...

4년 초과 전

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