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Flip coins

9개월 전

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UICBioE240 problem 1.11
Store a series of numbers into a 4 by 4 matrix, starting with the first few positions going right and down, and leaving the rest...

9개월 전

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UICBioE240 2.7
Given two 3-element vectors x1 and x2, create a 3 x 3 x 3 matrix Y where (:,:,1) has all values of x1 * x2, (:,:,2) has all valu...

9개월 전

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Normalize by maximum
Subtract the maximum value in a column from the corresponding columns of a matrix.

9개월 전

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Find S-parameters of the circuit
Refer to <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scattering_parameters> for the information about the system of scattering parameters. ...

9개월 전

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Rule of mixtures (composites) - either bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

9개월 전

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distance to a straight line (2D) given any 2 distinct points on this straight line
Given 2 points P1,P2 on a straight line and a 3rd point, determine the distance of the 3rd point to the straight line. Your answ...

9개월 전

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surface of parallelogram
Given 2 vectors of each 3 elements, determine the surface of the parallelogram which can be created from these 2 vectors.

9개월 전

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Wien's displacement law
Given the black body temperature (in *Celsius*), output the weavelength (in *meters*) at which the radiation peaks, according to...

9개월 전

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Gold Standard
Gold has long been used as currency and a standard for currency, due to its inherent value and rarity. Historical data for gold ...

9개월 전

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Calculate the volume of the football

9개월 전

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Find all prime factors of the input
Given an input x, find its all prime factors. Return the vector with all factors in ascending order. Efficiency is the key here...

9개월 전

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Does this dress make me look fat
For the input string "Does xyz make me look fat" output the string "No, xyz does not make you look fat"

9개월 전

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Adding and Subtracting UINT variables
Given UINT class variables output the correct solution to A-B+C. *Input:* A,B,C Three uint variables *Output:* solution ...

9개월 전

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Convert a given Character to its decimal equivalent value
Convert a given character to its decimal equivalent value according to the ascii table. if x = '!'; y = 33; if x = 'u'; ...

9개월 전

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Calculator spelling - Letters to Numbers
Using the numbers on a calculator, and rotating the display 180 degrees, many words can be spelled. In particular, the following...

10개월 전

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Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (4)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

10개월 전

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Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (3)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

10개월 전

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Function substitution (1)
Evaluate the function for the given values of the variables N and t

10개월 전

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Function substitution (2)
Evaluate the function for the given values of the variables N and t

10개월 전

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Mathematical formula
Find the value of the expression given the values of variables t and k. Assume g=9.81

10개월 전

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Define an arithmetic sequence
Given three numbers n, a, and d, define an arithmetic sequence of n terms with a being the initial term of the sequence and d be...

10개월 전

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Find the slope of a line that passes through two vectors
Given two vectors p1 and p2, return the slope of a line that passes through p1 and p2. Examples: Input [p1,p2] = deal([0,1],[...

10개월 전

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number play

10개월 전

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Seperate 2nd column in a matrix

10개월 전

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Half the length of the vector

10개월 전

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Double the length of the vector

10개월 전

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find the index of a number

10개월 전

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Product of elements in a column

10개월 전

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