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Find edges from a vertex
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is i, a single index (positive integer). The goal of this function is ...

4년 초과 전

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Find triangles from edge
First input is T, a Triplet list of indices -whom each row actually contains the three indices of a triangle vertices-. size(T) ...

4년 초과 전

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Remove duplicated triangles
Input T is a triangulation (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vertex number in a correspondi...

4년 초과 전

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wythoff sequence
find the lower wythoff sequence upto n; https://oeis.org/A000201

4년 초과 전

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Bell Triangle
Form the bell triangle upto nth bell number posotion; if n=5, then y= [1 0 0 0 0; 1 2 0 0 ...

4년 초과 전

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generate the matrix
given a value n (say 4) - generate the matrix like below; y= [0 1 2 3 4; -1 0 1 2 3; ...

4년 초과 전

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find nth even fibonacci number
1st even fibonacci number=2 ; 2nd even fibonacci number=8 ..

4년 초과 전

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Adjoint matrix
given a matrix a, find the adjoint matrix of a.

4년 초과 전

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cofactor matrix
given a matrix, find its cofactor matrix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_(linear_algebra)#Inverse_of_a_matrix

4년 초과 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find a common edge
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is e = [e1 e2], a row vector, couple of indices (positive distinct int...

4년 초과 전

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Find a common vertex
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is i, a single index (positive integer). The goal of this function is ...

4년 초과 전

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Rotate a matrix without using rot90
rotate the input square matrix by certain degrees (e.g. 270 or 450 etc.) without using rot90 or flip function. its an extension...

4년 초과 전

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Where is 1?
There is a 3d matrix [A] that consist of many zeros and only one. A=zeros(100,100,100); i=randi(100); j=randi(100); ...

4년 초과 전

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Analyze observation data
Suppose you have the following data (A,B,C) in three-column format. A B C -------------------------- t=1 ...

4년 초과 전

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Tridiagonal matrix
Given vectors u and v, make a tri-diagonal symmetric matrix such that u is in the main diagonal and v is below and above diagona...

4년 초과 전

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calculate the day of the year from a date string.
'09-Oct-2016' is the 283rd day of the year. So doy = dayoftheyear('09-Oct-2016') should return doy = 283

4년 초과 전

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What's my favourite food?
The spicier the better.

4년 초과 전

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Expand a term
Given a term, as a string, expand it. e. g. f = '2(x + y)';

4년 초과 전

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Some tweaks in summation, Can you decode? :)
There are some tweaks in summation that you might observe via test suites Try if you can

4년 초과 전

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Modified Upper Matrix Mock
Given a vector v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 0 3 6 9 11; 0 0 6 9 11; 0 0 0 9 11; 0 0 0...

4년 초과 전

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Integrate Me
Given polynomial, output the integral (with k = 1 for simplicity purposes) Example: input = [2 1] % 2x+1 output = [1 1 1]...

4년 초과 전

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Determinate if day D is a date that occurs during Daylight Saving Time in Italy

4년 초과 전

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How many hours are there in a day in Italy?
Remember "European Summer Time"

4년 초과 전

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Find Adjacency Matrix
Graph is undirected. (s,t) in node pairs. Please, return full storage version of the matrix.(use _full(A)_ ) Input: s...

4년 초과 전

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Logical array indexing - part 1
Given an array |A| of size |p x q| , return an array |Y| of the same size such that the following conditions are satisfied. (...

4년 초과 전

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Create a fixed format text output
Given a short brief matrix, such as x = [1.2 2.4 3.6; 1.5 2.3 3.5; 1.35 2.35 3.65] and a label 13, create a fixed format text o...

4년 초과 전

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Extract part elements of matrix into one new matrix
Given a matrix that includes different nonzero and zero entries, extract the nonzero elements and form a new matrix. The new mat...

4년 초과 전

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Put all numbers in a string inside square brackets
Examples: 'left3down2' -> 'left[3]down[2]' 'fiat500' -> 'fiat[500]'

4년 초과 전

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Create a set of n variable names 'a_1',...,'a_n' The result should be a column oriented cell array of strings. Example inp...

4년 초과 전

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Explode string
Break a sentence into cell of words

4년 초과 전

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