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Equal temperament - musical notes and frequency
Starting from 440Hz note (musical note A above middle C), create 13 notes, using twelve-tone equal temperament, in Herz units. ...

10개월 전

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Under the sea: Snell's law & total internal reflection
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snell's_law> When a light travels from one medium to another medium, depending on the refracti...

10개월 전

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Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (2)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

10개월 전

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iteration of N blank spot
we have N spot which can be blank o filled calculate the number of iteration for these spots. e.g. N=2 1- blank blank 2- blank f...

10개월 전

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replace empty matrices with '[]'
for example a=1;a(:,1)=[]; returns a = Empty matrix: 1-by-0 use this as the input,and the output should be '[]...

10개월 전

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Acidity of vinegar and salts
Assuming: pH (potentia hydrogenii) = - log10(H+ ionic concentration in mol/Liter). For a buffer solution containing acetic acid ...

10개월 전

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Total resistance of resistors in series
What is the total resistance of a number of resistors in series? A vector R contains the resistances (in Ohm) of n resistors, w...

10개월 전

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Total resistance of a network of resistors in series and parallel
What is the total resistance of a network of resistors in series and in parallel? A matrix R contains the resistances (in Ohm) ...

10개월 전

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Total resistance of resistors in parallel
What is the total resistance of a number of resistors in parallel? A vector R contains the resistances (in Ohm) of n resistors,...

10개월 전

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Did you say please? - Find one string within another without strfind or regexp/regexpi
For a given string sentence, determine if the string word 'please' is present or not. If so, return the string 'OK', else return...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Create a v-notch vector without "sort" function
Given a vector vec, create a v-shaped vector as shown below: vec = [ 10 2 3 89 5 7 90 0 12] Output vector = [90 89 12 10 7 5 3 ...

10개월 전

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Find offset of an element of a multi dimensional matrix
For a given multi dimensional matrix and given element, find its offset from the 1st element. Return 0, if element is not fo...

10개월 전

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User defined nextpow function
Create a function which will take 2 arguments as n and x, and return y, where, n^y >= abs(x). [ Similar to builtin "nextpow2" fu...

10개월 전

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Find supported functions
Given a function name, return true if that function is supported by the toolboxes that are installed with MATLAB on this machine...

10개월 전

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Momentum Calculation
A shopping cart of mass 'm1' is traveling with velocity 'u' and collides with a second shopping cart of mass 'm2.' The two shopp...

10개월 전

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Rule of mixtures (composites) - weighted bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

10개월 전

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Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

10개월 전

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Distance of the centroids of the balls
Given *n* balls of radius *r* and the vector *p (nx3)* with all position *(x,y,z)* of the balls, return the symmetric matrix *A ...

10개월 전

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Create cell array of strings
Convert the input to a cell array, but only if necessary. If the input is a string, return a 1-by-1 cell array containing the...

10개월 전

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Min by mean
Substitute the minimum value in each row of a matrix A by the mean of that row (it should also work if the input is a vector)

10개월 전

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Nth root of a number
Given an input and a number N, find the Nth root of the number(s)

10개월 전

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Solve the equation. Find X.

10개월 전

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Area of Ellipse

10개월 전

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Check if two matrices are permutations of each other
Your function should return true for the elements of one matrix is the permutation of the other matrix: x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; ...

10개월 전

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Legend of Zelda - Rupee Count (Compact)
Building off of <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/3025-zelda-rupee-count Problem 3025>, suppose that Link's...

10개월 전

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Legend of Zelda - Rupee Count
Rupees are the main currency in The Legend of Zelda games. The value of each rupee is determined by its color. Unfortunately, th...

10개월 전

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Cookie Cutters
Given a larger and smaller matrix, perform element-by-element multiplication on the smaller matrix and a sub-matrix of the large...

10개월 전

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First use of arrayfun() and anonymous function @(x)
Create an anonymous function using @(x) for a parabola equation for the given coefficients stored in s with s(1)x2 + s(2)x + s(...

10개월 전

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Self-similarity 2 - Every third term
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

10개월 전

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Pattern Recognition 1 - Known Unit Length
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings. For this problem, the known pattern unit length is three. Writ...

10개월 전

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