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Repeat The Components of Matrix
Repeat The components of a matrix so that the size of the output matrix is double to input matrix and components are repeated ne...

10개월 전

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Write a function that takes an interval from a to b, and divides it into 6 parts.

10개월 전

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Accessing value of variable whose name is stored in another variable as string.
Accessing value of variable whose name is stored in another variable as string. for example: var1=n; var2='var1'; %Assigning...

10개월 전

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given number is power of n or not?
Check weather The input is power of n or not? for example x=8,n=2 --> true x=6,n=2 --> false

10개월 전

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Pandigital number n°1 (Inspired by Project Euler 32)
A little warm-up to begin... An n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly ONCE. For ex...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

counting for loop
Complete the function below using a for loop to count from 3 to N by 2. For example, if N is 10, count 3, 5, 7, 9 and stop. Fo...

10개월 전

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Solving Quadratic Equations (Version 2)
Before attempting this problem, solve version 1: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/2510-solving-quadratic-...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Sum of numbers from 1-100
Sum up every whole number from 1 to 100. Include 1 and 100 in your calculation.

10개월 전

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Young's modulus
Given a value of <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_modulus Young's modulus> (Y) expressed on MegaPascal, convert it to the uni...

10개월 전

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A random number between 1 and 10 is created for the variable y. Guess what its value is.

10개월 전

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Find out characteristics equation of given matrix.
Find out characteristics equation of given matrix. A=[0 2; 1 8] then char. eq is s^2-8*s-2=0 and answer should be [1 -8 -2]

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find out phase angle of second order system.
Find out the phase angle of a second order system. In a control system, the phase angle is given by the inverse of cos.

10개월 전

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Find the rank of a matrix
Determine the rank of a matrix without using the MATLAB function of the same name.

10개월 전

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Find the next state of a JK Flip-Flop
Find the next state (NS) of a JK Flip-Flop based on previous state (PS), inputs. Learn more about JK Flip-Flop theory here: ...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find out next state (NS) of T Flip-Flop.
Find out next state (NS) of T Flip-Flop based on previous state (PS), inputs. Learn more about T Flip-Flop theory here: <htt...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Calculate the sphericity of a Raschig ring
Sphericity is a measure of the roundness of any particle. It was defined by Wadell in 1935 as the ratio of the 'surface area of ...

10개월 전

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solve for y that is half as much as three less than one tenth of x
function y = half(x) y = (x * .1); end

10개월 전

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Given A4 sizes find A3's long side
I think you know the relation between A3 and A4 paper so givens are sides of A4 x1=long side of A4 y1=short side of A4 y2 is ...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

time of day
Calculate the time of day in days, hours, minutes or seconds passed since the beginning of the day, depending on the unit. The u...

10개월 전

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Find out the smallest number 9 times greater
What is the smallest natural number where the result of moving the digit on the far right to the front of the number is a number...

10개월 전

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Summing the last column column
Given a matrix, return the sum of the last column of the array.

10개월 전

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Return part of an array
Given a 5x5 array, return a 3x3 array that contains the cells that are not on the edge of the array: Given this array Return...

10개월 전

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How to get the additive inverse of a uint8.
Given x as a uint8 find the additive inverse y.

10개월 전

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Count the number of folds needed to pack a large sheet
In a certain paper factory, large sheets of paper are being made every day. Before sending the sheets for shipment, they have to...

10개월 전

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Relative points in 2D: problem 1
The 2D pose of a robot, with respect to a world coordinate frame {O}, is described by a 3x3 homogenous transform matrix T. A lan...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Draw Dominos
Write a function to draw dominos. The number on each side can range from 0 to 9. For example, for an input of [3,7], your functi...

10개월 전

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Dice roll - opposite faces
For this problem, you will be provided with the values of a dice roll (regular six-sided dice). The number of dice will be at le...

10개월 전

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Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (1)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Calculate supply voltage and total current
Three resistors are connected in series and each has a resistance in ohms. Resistor R2 has a voltage drop of ΔV2volts Find the ...

10개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Coefficient of Static friction
The coefficient of static friction between two surfaces is u. What force must be used to move a W lb. crate on a horizontal sur...

10개월 전

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