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plotting a function correctly
x=[-2:0.1:2]; y = exp(-x)-x; plot(x,y)

거의 4년 전 | 0

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what is the code for bin histogram of fraction to the bin
You can specify the histogram edges like this, with the height of the bars normalized to %: x = randn(1000,1); edges = 25:5:50...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Plotting Phase angle in Matlab
First off, "load" is for Matlab files, not raw text. Check out textscan. If your code isn't error-ing, you probably have old ver...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Change histogram to more bars
histogram accepts the number of bins as a second argument: x = randn(1000,1); nbins = 25; h = histogram(x,nbins)

거의 4년 전 | 1

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What is this code doing?
Short version: copy a list of Matlab script/function files from wherever Matlab finds them into a particular directory ('C:\TEMP...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Extracting data from an array
To extract the first three rows: B3 = B(1:3,:); x = B3(1,:); y = B3(2,:); z = B3(3,:); But, if B is really 4x1, then you on...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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can anyone find the error?
Perhaps you are calling the function with two few arguments, such as this on the command line: quadraticc(2) If you are simply...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Sort and extract elemets from a structure.
tables are a vastly superior way of handling this data. Does this do it? mydata= readtable('mytext.txt'); sorted_data = sortro...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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How to extract values from each structure in the .mat file
keeps the names, but as fieldnames in a new struct, signals, rather than variables (see Walter's comment): data = load('data.ma...

거의 4년 전 | 1

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Changing the size of an array in a while loop
keeps the vector the same length A_i = gradient(A_0,dt).*I.^2; changes size of vector (and uses a for loop since there are a...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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I have the following Matlab code that produces a x2 zoomed image of the input using Pixel Replication. How can I change it to shrink an image?
throw out every other row and column: img1 = imread(filename); N = img1(2:2:end,2:2:end);

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Copy files from a folder to another directory
check out dir and copyfile. My suggestion would be to create the lists of file and folders first, check them, then do something ...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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How can i create a vector having 6 values between two numbers
Assuming you want them evenly spaced: x = linspace(2,12,6); If you want them randomly spaced x = [2 ; 2+(12-2)*rand(4,1) ; ...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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How to combine indexing?
There may be a better way, but this should work: % set up a logical-indexing vector that selects no elements idx_Ev_not_Art = ...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #5 (and bug reports)
Being able to collapse items in the activity feed would be useful. Fairly regularly, I have 3-7 items for "X commented and edite...

거의 4년 전 | 4

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Compacting a For Loop
norm_er = 1.301; exp_er = 9.126; log_er = 1.301; ray_er = 2.606; Errors = [norm_er,exp_er,log_er,ray_er]; % set a tolerance...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Wondering about the efficiency of my code or if there is a better way to do what I am trying to do?
generally, deleting columns (esp. one-by-one) is less efficient than indexing. Assuming all of the tests have passed, you can si...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Looking for the RGB values of the 8-bit 256 colours?
finish reading the posted info: "An 8-bit display can produce any of the [2^24] colors available on a 24-bit display, but only 2...

거의 4년 전 | 0

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Which function should I use for generating the weighted least squares fit linear line for a given data?
fitlm accepts weights as a vector, but doesn't come with any pre-designed ones mdl = fitlm(x,y,'Weights',weight); Ypred = pred...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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fprintf table not aligned
generally, I suggest not using tabs when you want a table aligned. Instead, set the field widths larger: fprintf('%6.2f %9.3f %...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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How do separate plot into months?
probably easiest would be to create a datetime object: % sample data data = rand(1,8760); % starting year/month/day of data ...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Fit a curve to a nonlinear 1D data
x=1:12; y=[18.92, 21.6, 27.4, 43.07, 85.66, 230.12, 347.02, 289.74, 197.32, 95.32, 39.5, 19]; % fit to a quadratic (degree 2) ...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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"Plot" image with size, position and rotation
see this question: Plot a figure in which there is an image that moves and rotates

대략 4년 전 | 0

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Loop to separate rows in one matrix and delete elements in that matrix based on another matrix
% find indices where z_probs<0.5 idx = (z_probs(:,:,1)<0.5); % "remove" those values in b_loc by setting them to NaN b_loc(id...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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need help for transfer Whlile loop from For loop
First issue: for loop ends when error<tol while loop continues when error<tol

대략 4년 전 | 0

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Plotting part of an array
simplest: xlim([0 0.2])

대략 4년 전 | 0

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Rotate Spherical Coordinates to find new Vector Magnitude
It sounds like the goal is to find the projection of the vector along the direction defined by theta=100, phi=150. If this is th...

대략 4년 전 | 0

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Move colorbar location to the east in tiled layout figure
does this work: cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile = 'east'; (from the colorbar documentation)

대략 4년 전 | 0

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Find indicies of k smallest matrix elements
[~,idx] = mink(A,2);

대략 4년 전 | 0

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