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How to solve the following four integration in MATLAB
integral expects a function handle to a function that accepts a single input parameter. It normally passes a vector of values to...

18일 전 | 0

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how to cleanly ensure column type in table is numerical
In R2018b, it is enough to do something like filename = 'file_1.csv'; opt = detectImportOptions(filename); T = readtable(file...

20일 전 | 0

답변 있음
How come fsolve is exceeding evaluation limit?
% Initial guess for the solution x0 = [sym(8487)/sym(10)^3, sym(6330)/sym(10)^12, sym(1149)/sym(10)^3, sym(5837)/sym(10)^3, sym...

20일 전 | 2

답변 있음
serialport - how to reopen port after handle was lost
These days there is serialportfind

20일 전 | 0

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Why doesn't the subtract function work with 3D DiscreteGeometry in R2024b?
In R2023a, the methods available for DiscreteGeometry are addCell addVertex cellEdges ext...

21일 전 | 0

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How to load TreeBagger created and saved in an older version of MATLAB into a newer version?
Warning: Variable 'explainer' originally saved as a shapley cannot be instantiated as an object and will be read in as a uint32....

21일 전 | 2

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MI in spin orbit bose bose mixtures
I was able to fix some of the problems, but Omega_plus and Omega_minus just are not defined. L=20; dk=0.1; k=-L/2:dk:L/2-dk; ...

21일 전 | 0

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how to get all text written in the command window to show up in a text box in uifigure?
If you can wait until after all of the text has been produced, then use evalc around the computation whose text is to be recorde...

23일 전 | 0

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how to change axis font color?
To change the font color while leaving alone the grid lines, see these examples xtickformat('\color{red}%g') %re...

23일 전 | 0

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How does MATLAB app designer call external. m functions after packaging into exe?
When you package into exe then external .m that are not packaged as part of the exe, cause an error when they are called. Onl...

24일 전 | 0

답변 있음
extract max and min frequency of a spectrum
You could fft(), and take the first half of the results, and find the last bin such that abs(BIN)>0 . That last bin will corresp...

24일 전 | 0

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Passing output from afterEach to variable
This method is fairly clumsy, but in theory it would work. Use a parpool size of 1. Use parfeval() to create a parallel.pool.P...

24일 전 | 1

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답변 있음
how to find the function "helper plot fluctuation loss" to plot this image in matlab help?
When you openExample('radar/IntegrationAndFluctuationLossesExample') it will set up a directory for you and cd to that direct...

24일 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Taylor's theorem, find approximation for e^-x for x =1 with accuracy of 5 decimals.
Taylor's series involves accumulating the sum of terms. The sum of the n'th derivative of the function divided by n factorial ti...

24일 전 | 0

답변 있음
i want to plot fragility curve stress vrs probability of failure and mean speed vrs probability of failure no of data is 48500
Your failure probability is a scalar. mean speed could be calculated as mean(data.Speed_km_h) but that would be a scalar. Plotti...

25일 전 | 0

답변 있음
Same script in a path folder and the current folder. Which takes priority? (2024a, Ubuntu)
According to https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/function-precedence-order.html 3. Nested functions within the c...

25일 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Simplifying symbolic expression to get real of real function in it.
syms x (x^3 + x)/x^2 + 5 real(ans) You can see that if you have a real() call then the Symbolic Toolbox already automatically...

25일 전 | 0

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Data not being written in file
Did you remember to fclose() the file?

25일 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to access the certain data Simulink model ?
You can use a Selector block to extract particular columns from simulink signals. https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/...

26일 전 | 0

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How to Solve a System of Equations for symfun Objects?
Is there a way to define all of the R(s),E(s),G(s),Y(s) as symfun from the start and simultaneously solve eq1 and eq2 directly f...

26일 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to continuously create an array of the latest values of a signal in SIMULINK?
You can use a buffer block https://www.mathworks.com/help/dsp/ref/buffer.html (requires the DSP System Toolbox)

26일 전 | 0

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transform table variable into struct variable.
Perhaps use table2struct ? Note that your posted code creates a cell array, U and uses () indexing to try to set U(1) and so on...

27일 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to merge data in mat file?
load pot1 newpot = pot(~arrayfun(@(S)isempty(S.tr), pot)); save('newpot.mat', 'newpot')

28일 전 | 0

답변 있음
Can we download Predictive maintenance toolbox for free, and is it compatible with MATLAB 2017a?
The Predictive Maintenance Toolbox was introduced in R2018a, so it is not compatible with R2017a. It cannot be downloaded for f...

28일 전 | 0

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How can show 2D plot of 3 file data analysis and show effect of change ?
S = fileread('ST1.txt'); S = regexprep(S, '\*I', ''); S(1:100) ST1data = cell2mat(textscan(S, '%f %f %f%f')); ST1 = reshap...

28일 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to remove extraneous Matlab-generated vertical lines that connect function values at jump discontinuities?
MATLAB does not do that. What is happening is that when you use plot() on a finite set of data, then where there are places tha...

28일 전 | 1

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답변 있음
how to crop a binary mask to remove all black pixels while maintaining the largest area of white pixels?
vertproj = any(YourMask,1); horzproj = any(YourMask,2); minx = find(vertproj,1,'first'); maxx = find(vertproj,1,'last'); min...

28일 전 | 0

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Simulink Mathlab Function Block Output Variable Size Array
Insert totalValue = uint8(0); before totalValue = (y3+2);

29일 전 | 0

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minimizing with genetic algorithm
y = @(x) (1.002)-((1-exp(-0.00003*x))./(0.00003*(x+1.5)+(0.00063*(1-exp(-0.00003*x))))); fplot(y, [-2, 10]) fplot(y, [-1.5 -...

29일 전 | 0

답변 있음
Can I plot two figures simultaneously but with less data for the second figure?
Well, you can... but it isn't worth the trouble. N1 = 1001; N2 = 20; theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N1); [~, pi_idx] = min(abs(th...

29일 전 | 0

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